Losing Everything

Start from the beginning

She covered me in her sweet kisses "Your  welcome but I put it on a necklace cause I know you bad with rings." How do I know that you might ask?  I didn't but I know I am so I assumed she was too and I'm guessing I assumed correct.

"You know me so well."

Its morning and I see Kellys creeping ass standing over me smiling.

"Wakey wakey, time for practice." He said creepy as fuck.

"Damn! its Monday." I said rolling my eyes.

"Lets go!" He pulls me out of bed .

I hurried up and got dressed and we headed out to the stadium.

We pull up and see Mimi & D'angelo going in.

I rush out the car and yell, "MIMI "!

She turned around about to fall so I laughed and she looked at me weird as fuck.

She came walking towards me "wassup"?

"What you mean wassup? I seen your post bihh. "

"Oh yeaaahhh , I'll tell you everything later. " she said while showing me her necklace ring, or whatever the fuck you call it but it was beautiful.

"Ooooo shit."

I hear her yelling D in sort of a panic tone .

D'angelo turned around in panic and runs over to her. "what what what , you okay?" he says looking her up and down examining her from head to toes.

"I'm good but we forgot the wings .."

"What? Had me in panic mode, you see why I call you chubz? "

They both walked away giggling ,what the hell?
"Over some wings?" Kelly says walking over to me drapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Have you been to her house? She stays with snacks.
" I say dramatically.

"Hmm looks like I know where we will be today. "

"I'll take you." I say as we entered the stadium after he opened the door for me and held my hand again.

Me & Keke pull up to the stadium and see all the other goof heads walking in.

"You ready? "I ask KeKe .

"Nigga what? We here, what I need to be ready for?"
"Watch ya mouth before we fight ."

"Whatever ."  She said rolling her eye's.

I plant a kiss on her cheek and we both get out catching up to the others.

We go inside and see the everybody getting settled.
"Okay babe see you later." I said as I kissed her lips. 

"See ya." She said walking away while I caught a glimpse of Jalissa looking over at me so I winked at her which made her furious, like I know you like 4 year's older than me but damn you know me better then to think I wasn't gon leave you and you ont even suck d*ck? 

Like what kinda shit is that?!

I meet up with my girls and the dancing team.
"Okay girls!" I heard Melissa say.

This bitch, I think to my self.

"Lets go practice!"

We get in the place and start to practice. All the boys basketball team starts to come in and next thing I know I see Melissa start getting slutty in front of them. Is she crazy?

I ain't have to worry about my man cause he know better.

They all walk past laughing and staring.

Next thing I know I hear loud smack and Mimi's eyes widen and she held her butt and Dlo start dabbing and winking at her and dapping Kelly up.

The heck?

"Okay back to work!" Melissa says.

"Hey can we- "I started to ask before she cut me off.

This bitch.

"No. " she says .

She must got something against me.

After practice was over the team went to the break room .

Melissa calls us over and has her lil crew.

"May I see Kierra, JaMera and Khameelah please." She said reading off a list she was holding like she didn't know our names.

Oh shit here we go.

We all walk over there looking like we about to fight.

"Yes?" we all says oddly.

"Ummm we have some considerations we have to make for the squad and so we have to kick you off the squad." she says with a huge fake ass smile upon her face .

"That's what you get for taking our mans."  Jalissa said popping her gum.

I blacked the fuck out and took three good swings. And I think I knocked all of them out.

Next thing I know Mimi & Mera are pulling me back and one of the other girls grab our stuff and help us outside.

Mimi talks to Marissa,one of the other girls, and thanks her and gives her a hug. "You be careful and take care" she says to Marissa.

"Let's go y'all. "

Mera & I get in Mera's car and head to Mimi's house and Mimi gets in hers and drives off.

Back at the stadium

I turn around to look at Mera through the glass room and flirt a little and all I see is a group of girls fighting and shit, well one was fighting and the other two was pulling her away but anyway all of a sudden every one of the rooks here stopped the game and ran outta the gym crowding all around the girls and I needed a closer look close whoever it was just knocked the fuck outta three girls so I ran to the dance room behind Jahlil and Devins slow ass and finally made it and made my way to front where all the girls were fighting and I knew that big ass head from anywhere, it was kekes ass fighting, Melissa, Jalissa & Niki getting punched and the two girls holding Keke back was my girl & Mimi. 

When I seen Mera I was about to help her out and clearly B & Dlo had the same idea but as soon as we walked up to where they were fighting the girls got dragged the fuck outta the dance room and I assume, outside. 

After practice
To lighten the mood me and the boys was heading to Jahlilis Pool party at 10 so me, b and Dlo invited Mera, Keke & Mimi to come along and they agreed to go.

We just lost our fucking jobs and here come Kelly's ass all in my face talking about some fucking pool party Jahlil was hosting at his crib and shit.

Im pissed as fuck but I don't give 0 fucks right now so I agreed to a company his ass so I can get over this dumb ass situation, like it clearly ain't our fault that "there" niggas didn't want they ass no more, fuck. 

But it's now like 8 so I started getting ready at Mimi's so her, me and Keke could roll up to this party together and the boys can roll up there with the other NBA rooks. 


My Way.. (Kelly Oubre Jr., D'angelo Russell & Brandon Ingram)Where stories live. Discover now