All I Want Is A Hint Of Death And A Dash Of Demon

Start from the beginning

"Just let him help you, girly," A voice said to me. It had come from behind me and I looked to where it originated, but saw nothing.

"No, I can't. None of you do what you say, none of you really care," I whispered to myself more than anyone else.

"I just need to take a little blood sample before we can continue," the doctor said as he pulled out a syringe. My eyes widened in horror as my heart beat faster in my chest. The last time I saw one of those it was used to sedate me before they experimented on me.

"Don't... Don't come near me with that!" My eyes had begun to water and tears threatened to spill over. I had been a fool to think I was safe in this house. It was still on the asylum's property so of course the doctors still had access to me...

"It's just a little prick and squeeze. That's all." If the doctor wasn't bad enough on his own, he began walking towards me with the needle.

"I said don't." My voice came out a hoarse whisper. I pulled my legs to me, balling my body up as a tear slipped down my face. It couldn't come down to this could it? The doctor with a needle and me curled in a ball, shrinking away from him. I still couldn't see everything clearly and it made it all the more frightening.

"Come here, child. It won't hurt. Now give me your arm!" The doctor was losing patience with me, but I had to do all I could to avoid this terrible fate.

"N-no..." My voice shook as I said the word. Tears were falling freeing and sobs racked my body.

"I said give me your arm!" The doctor screamed at me as he lunged towards me with the needle, latching onto my arm like the leech he was.

"Stop! Stop! You can't do this to me!" I shrieked at the doctor as I tried to pull my arm away from him.

"Let her go doctor. She does not wish to continue," A voice spoke from some where in front of me. Their words were like a growl, causing the doctor to pull back his arm and step away from me.

My tears were robbing me of my vision so I put my head down on my knees, hands on top of it in a futile attempt to protect myself. All I wanted was for this nightmare to be over.

I heard shuffling around me before I felt the prick. A small moan left my lips as I felt a fluid rush into my veins.

"It isn't over yet," the doctor whispered into my ear. "We will get you back from that... That monstrosity. And when we do we will make your life Hell."

The doctor pulled away from me and I fell back on the bed. Shadows raced across the room as I tried to focus on something, anything. I heard a laugh and looked to my left. A figure clad in all black stood there. It appeared as if he had a black robe on with a hood that rested on his head. In one if his hands was a scythe. In the other a piece of paper. He held out the hand with the paper to me and it unfurled.

I heard a growl and looked to my right. A figure with shadows massing behind him stood there. He too was clad in all black, but what he wore was not the same as the other creature's attire. I smiled at him as my brain registered who he was.

To my left was the Grim Reaper. To my right the Demon of Darkness, my Demon. They were playing a dangerous game. One that involved my life and death.

"Your time is coming to an end," the Grim Reaper said as he reached out to me. His sleeve rolled back as he reached out, revealing a bony hand and arm. I shrank back from his hand not in fear of death but in fear of him.

"No it isn't! She is mine and will go when I please!" My demon screeched at the other figure as he steaked his claim in me.

"You disgust me, creature. How she could love you is..." The Reaper seemed at a loss of words as he tried to explain something that wasn't meant to be. If his face could show disgust at what was in front of him I'm sure it would. "Tell me, have you told her of your first meeting? Or are you afraid it might ruin your little romance?"

"What I have and haven't told her does not concern you." I looked at each presence as they spoke and my demon's face was a twisted mask of rage, hate, and sorrow.

"Wait! Is it possible for you to exchange my death for another's?" I looked up at the Reaper as I spoke, hope in my eyes.

"Yes, but you only have so much time. I need a soul to bring with me when I return."

"Emelia. Take Nurse Emelia Valdinmeyer in my place." A twisted smile made its way across my face as I said her name.

"Very well." Like it never happened the Grim Reaper was gone and my vision cleared. I blinked a couple times before looking to my right to see my demon.

"Is he gone? For good?"

"Yes," he said. I could tell something was wrong. His face was tight and his lips were set in a frown.

"What is the matter? I'm still here... With you." I was happy that I was still here with him. I didn't understand, though, why he didn't share my feelings.

"I have laid my claim to you but you will never truly be mine." His tone sounded sad as he said it, but I knew I was hearing things again.

"What do you mean?" My voice, the hoarse whisper it was now, echoed through the room. Leaving my question to be answered by an answer that would prove to be something that is rather unsatisfying...

° ° ° °

A/N: I just had to do that! Ha ha ha ha! I know I'm evil >:P This chapter was a little morbid, but oh well. Not edited! Sorry for any errors! Hope ya enjoyed! :P

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