Childhood Nightmare

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One of the boxes were tipped over and the papers were scattered all over the floor. Candice cleaned up the papers and put the box back where it was. She left the room, closed the door, and went back downstairs to the second floor. She continued her investigation. It was about 12:30 a.m and she was half way through the house by now. She walked into the first room on the right by the stairs which was a bedroom. It had a pretty good sized closet and windows on each side of the far wall. Candice sat down on the bed. The bed was known to shake and the covers would be tugged off the bed. She laid down on the bed and waited. At first no sounds were heard, but Candice wasn't afraid. Looking around the room, she noticed the window had been opened. She had heard a creak but thought it was just the bed from her moving. Candice got up to close the window and sat back on the bed. All of the sudden, the bed was moved. It was like someone was violently trying to shake the bed. A scream escaped Candice's lips and she quickly got off the bed. It frightened her and she could feel her heart race increasing. Taking a seat on the floor, she decided to ask some questions. "Is anyone in here with me? Are you lost? Did you die here?" No voices were heard. Candice tried a different method of communicating. "Did you used to live in this house? Knock twice for yes, once for no." Two loud knocks echoed the walls of the tiny room. Nothing else happened in the room so Candice started to head back downstairs. In the living room, she noticed the couch had moved to the center of the room. The table was left in its place, so she couldn't figure out why the couch was moved. It was perfectly placed on the rug in the center and was facing towards the kitchen. Candice didn't hear anything when she was upstairs, so she wondered how it was moved so quietly. It was now almost 3 am and Candice decided to head down to the basement. It was still pitch black but her candle lit up most of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2013 ⏰

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