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Today we will talk about love.This is not about guys or girls,is about both and time.

Love is like driving really fast with a blanket in the glass.Its unexpected and you don't know what to expect.

The video is the soundtrack from a movie called 'Love like there is no tomorrow'

People these days are getting together,live together and you know the rest,but at some point we are all drown to reality and forget to spend time with the one we love,we spend most of our time studying and partying and do meaningless things but not even care to show the one we want that we love them.

We spend time fighting and ignoring each other but what happens when you lose them?What happens if someday,they leave?

The movie is about this...Imagine a couple ,they barely spend time together and he leaves for a bussines trip and when he comes back he founds out that his wife is dead.He never got the chance to tell her that he loves her or say sorry for all the argues and the fights.He regrets leaving her behind and everything until one night at a bar,the barman asks him what he would do differently..The next morning he wakes up and he is back to that day but only for 24 hours until his wife is dead again.He changed everything,he went to a trip with her,he told her with every chance that he loved her,hugged her,he held her close to him and prove her his love.And when the 24 hours came to an end,he begged to have her back,he would do anything to have her back..And he did.

What I am trying to say is..Time is a cruel thing,we all say we have all the time we want ahead of us but what if we won't?What if we only have 24 hours to say 'I love you',those three words that it might mean nothing to you but to someone is everything they could ask for.What if you had 24 hours to spend with the one you want?Would you do that?Depsite the mistakes,the fights,the misunderstandings,would you do that?

Never say we have enough time because there is never enough time for people who are in love,so grab the one you want and tell them 'I love you',or text them or go to their doorstep and kiss them,just do it and you will remember me ;) It worth it guys.Don't be afraid to say it.

Go,live,smile,forgive and love like there is no tomorrow...

Until next time,

Georgia xoxo

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