And So, a Friendship Began. . . ?

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" Scott protested, "I'm very masculine, thank you."

Mike snorted.

Scott rolled his eyes, "Fine, whatever. I suppose you think you're oh-so-manly, don't you, Vincent? Well, just because you've got a firm chest and strong jawline doesn't make you more than a portentous wannabe."

"No, wait, that was definitely a compliment," Mike said, holding a finger in the air as if Scott's words hung in the air and he was pointing at them.

Vincent, however, glared as if Scott had just seriously insulted him, "Y'know, I thought those good looks would compliment your good personality, but it turns out you're nowhere near as handsome on the inside."

Mike looked between Vincent and Scott, looking like he was trying hard not to laugh. "Guys... that's not even subtle... you're serious about this, aren't you?" A laugh broke through, and soon Mike was doubled over with laughter, clutching his stomach, "This is too good! You don't even know you're doing it!"

Vincent and Scott both glared at Mike, and then at each other, and then walked off to their separate posts.

Scott was on the Show Stage for the day, he hauled himself up to sit on the stage and lean back on one of the speakers - that was, until Fritz made a loud cough from where he was reprogramming the animatronics (looks like the backstage panel had broken again) and pointed towards the sign that said "Hi kids! Please remember, don't climb on the stage! Freddy and his friends need space!"

Scott rolled his eyes and jumped off the stage again. He leaned against the wall and scanned the Dining Hall, the anger he'd felt before draining quickly out of him and being replaced by a hopeless sadness. The one thing he didn't want to happen, the one thing he'd been trying, desperately, to avoid since the very first day Vincent smiled at Scott and Scott's stomach had dropped to his feet, had happened. He'd become close to Vincent.

He couldn't have that happening. He couldn't get close to Vincent, or he'd become too close to Vincent. That would be disastrous. Just imagine it! Falling in love with his very definitely male co-worker.

No, no. He didn't like him. He hated him. That was how things worked. That was how he coped, and it was more important now than it ever had been before. He refused to become friends with Vincent.

He looked up to distract his thoughts and saw Mike deep in discussion with Vincent. He wondered what they were talking about. Maybe Mike was pressing for details about what happened last night.

It felt like somebody had dropped a rock on his stomach.

Oh gawd...

He could just see it now. Mike would ask Vincent what went on and Vincent would brag about how Scott had taken him on a date, how he had bought him snacks and invited him to cuddle up next to him.

Oh gawd!

Vincent had read his diary, what's worse, he read the one page that Scott was most protective over; the page where he'd written all about the little stirrings he got in his stomach whenever he thought of the possibility that he just might be attracted to his own gender. He stared at Vincent with a ferocious intensity, trying to read his lips or hear a snippet of their conversation. He could only imagine the kind of things he would be saying.

"Yeah, but Scott's not exactly as straight as he seems, you should have seen what he wrote in his diary..."

Oh. Gawd!

Scott groaned, now completely certain that that was exactly what Vincent and Mike were so keen on discussing. So embarrassing. Oh, not to mention, completely rude and out of place.

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