Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Warrior Cat themes, they belong to the incredible author(s) Erin Hunter.

"Snowstep! Won't you just have your kits already?" Rowankit whined, jumping on to the white queen.
Dawnblaze reached across from her nest and scooped up Rowankit with a forepaw and dropped him back in her nest, giving his fur a few quick licks. "Quiet, little one. Snowstep has enough on her plate without you constantly pestering her. Her kits will come when it is time."

"But when will that be?" Rowankit cried exasperatedly. "It's been so boring since Stonekit left."
"That's Stonepaw now, he's become an apprentice" Dawnblaze corrected.
"That's not the point! All Briarkit and Hazelkit want to do is drink and sleep." Rowankit mewed.

Hazelkit perked up from the folds of the mossy nest. "You say that like it's a bad thing!" she said, looking slightly hurt.
Rowankit turned his back grumpily on his sister, fur ruffled again. If only I could have a chance to show them that I'm just as good a warrior as my father, Lightningtail! Then they'd let me become an apprentice straight away. No, a warrior!

Later that day, as Rowankit was planning another attempt at sneaking out the nursery, the bramble screen surrounding the nursery parted as a sleek golden warrior entered the den. "Lightningtail!" Rowankit squealed along with his sisters, leaping from the nest and jumping on the back of his father.

Rowankit settled in Lightningtail's neck fur (resulting with a resonant purr from the warrior) as the deputy touched noses briefly with his mate, and crept past the sleeping Snowstep before rolling on the ground and shaking the kits off.

Now's my chance! Rowankit thought. He flew at his father, paws flapping in every direction. Lightningtail easily stepped to the side and Rowankit barreled into the bramble screen, re-emerging with his fur sticking out in all directions.

Rowankit timidly stepped back as Dawnblaze stood up and glared at himself and Lightningtail. "Rowankit, how many times have I told you not to play-fight in the nursery! Look, you've woken Snowstep!"
"Oh, no," Snowstep meowed "I've been awake for ages." 

Snowstep and Rowankit exchanged smiles and Rowankit felt a bubble of gratitude for the queen. Thanks, Snowstep. "Your mother's right, Rowankit" Lightningtail lowered his head and Rowankit climbed on, hoping something fun would happen.

"Don't you start, Lightningtail, you're acting just as like a kit as anyone!" Dawnblaze turned on the golden warrior.
Lightningtail grinned childishly,and then leant closer to Dawnblaze and began talking about hunting patrols. Rowankit felt himself quickly lose interest.

Maybe Briarkit and Hazelkit will want to play now they've had a rest, Rowankit thought. He jumped ungracefully from his father's back onto his nest, where Hazelkit and Briarkit sat. "Hey, do you guys want to play Hunt the Mouse?" Rowankit asked eagerly.

"Umm... I'm not so good at that game," Briarkit mewed shyly.
Hazelkit poked her head up defiantly. "No. You always get to be the hunter when we play, anyway".
Rowankit sunk into the moss, feeling defeated. Those two are no fun!

Suddenly, Rowankit felt his ears twitch as a call sounded from outside. "May all BlazeClan cats gather beneath the Hightree for this announcement!" The BlazeClan leader Stormstar's voice rang across the clearing.
"That's me," Lightningtail said, briskly exiting the nursery.

Rowankit felt a surge of excitement run through him. "Dawnblaze! Dawnblaze! Can we go?" He squealed.
"Oh yes," Hazelkit said.
"Please?" Briarkit added.

Dawnblaze tilted her head. "Oh, I guess we can - but we have to stay right by the nursery."
"YES!" Rowankit cheered, in unison with his littermates.

He lead his mother and sisters outside the nursery, where he felt his mother's tail wrap around him and hold him back. A homely scent hit Rowankit's nose, and his gaze circled the camp.

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