Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

I walked through the doors of my new school. I am now terrified. My dad said I could be homeschooled but I didn't want to I am now regretting my choice.

I walk up to the front desk when I walk in and spot a secretary.

"Excuse me miss?"


"I'm a new student where do I go?"

"Come with me" She said and brought me to some office-guidance office.

"Hello you must be Niall!"A girl my age stated once I walked in the office.

"Yes" I replied simply."What's your name?"

"My name is Alyssa Horan" My eyes widened and as an instinct I looked her up and down.She was wearing a nice whiteand blue dress. White on the top and blue on the lacey bottom.She ha no make-up on.She had high heels with white straps.A whole bunch of bracelets,and infinity necklace,ring and a necklace that says Niall.

Horan,Horan it just kept repeating in my head till I remembered I gave my twin sister that same necklace when we were nine years old,just two year before the accident.

I looked into Alyssa's bright blue eyes that resembled mine.

I just didn't say anything I just looked at her and her eyes said it all. She doesn't remember me. I can tell by the way she looks at me.

"So do you want a tour of the school?"She asked bringing me out of my daze.

"Umm yeah sure" I said scratching the back of my neck.

***A couple classes later**

"Eww look at the new kid."

"Yeah eww he's such a fag"

"I bet that he's going to try and get some dick in his mouth after school, he's so gay"

Words hurt.I stayed for the whole school day and couldn't stop thinking of those words.

"Hey Niall wait up!"

"Hey Alyssa is your name?"

"Yeah remember me frim this morning?"


"How's the school day going? Is anybody bullying you?"

"Yeah kind of..."

"Come with me" She said and I followed her. "These are the school bullies every time a new kid comes in they bully them and they get in trouble ffor it every time-if I like the new kid they will stop picking on them because they know that if they mess with my friends they won't get out easy. Okay so anyway were any of them picking on you?"

"No not any of them the ones that were bullying me were hanging out with this girl and she was telling them what to say-she seemed like a bitch."

"Vanessa that fucking bitch ruins everything in my fucking life"


"Nothing nevermind"

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