Chapter 6

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A/N Thanks for reading this far guys appreciate it. Also thank you so much for comenting

"I'm sorry" Tyler whispered as tears went down my cheeks as he abandoned me. I can't believe this. Edward will walk, his legs are fine he's fine. Who am I kidding? Only myself, he's in fucking hospital and its my fault I don't deserve to be his brother, I don't deserve anyone. I ran out leaving the car where it was and just ran I knew where I wanted to go and no one could stop me. I ran down the road taking turns till I came to the fence. I opened the gate and walked my way over to the swings. I sat there thinking why am I still here. Harry should have killed me like he has with the rest of the family. Well he's killed Edwards legs but still why not me? Why do I have to get hurt all the time? Why is Edward so caring to his stupid wimpy brother? I look down more questions going through my brain as I hard a squeak of the swing next to me. My new glasses had fallen off my nose so I bent down to get them. After I figeted with them for a while I looked up seeing Louis. His hair was stuck up in like a quiff thing, he had some glasses on what I was quite confused about. He also had bright red braces and bright blue jeans, his shoes were TOM's like always. I smiled slightly but I could tell he knew it was fake.

"Marcel, what's happened?" He asks hugging me. I felt so small when he did, he was taller then me, stronger then me so obviously had a bigger muscles. He then did something what scared the fuck out of me. He got a bottle of water and threw it over my head. I looked at him crying the incident at school with Harry flashed onto my mind as my tears came slowly out. I didn't know what to feel now. I was sad, angry, i felt betrayed I thought he was a nice person. I can see why him and Harry were friends. I ran out the park quickly and ran again I had no clue where to be honest my leg were just taking me there. I heard footsteps after me so I picked up my pace. I was going quite fast and missed the house. I stop quickly and knocked on the door. A tall dark haired boy with a small quiff answered the door.

"Marcel, Leeroy isn't here he's at his job. He seemed upset with you I'm not sure why and where's Harry me and Niall wanted to hang with him?" Liam said. Oh shit. I've hurt my only friend. I just stood there standing as someone's hands warped round me. I looked round but Louis' head was on my shoulder. I turned back to Liam his mouth wide open, how does everyone know him except for me? "Lou-Louis?" He said stuttering. Louis nodded slowly wide eyed. He was in pure shock like he had just been told his brother might never walk again, no fuck that's just me. "Tom-Tomlin-Tomlinson?" He stuttered his eyes growing bigger. Louis nodded again. "Get the fuck out" Liam said pointing out then slamming the door. I've never heard him swear before it was strange. Leeroy teased him a lot but he never swore then. A tear went down Lou's cheek as we walked away from the Payne house hold.

"Louis why does Harry and Liam not like you?" I questioned trying to forget what he did a few minutes ago I felt my hair, it was flying free, I then realise why Louis did it then. He doesn't like my hair slicked back. I smiled and hugged him, he was shocked by my action but warped his arms around me. I smiled as we pulled apart. He still looked sad but he was smiling his perfect smile.

"I did something bad" He said mumbling. I looked to the ground "Well me and Zayn did" He said blushing a dark red. I guess he thought I knew Zayn, I do but still. Lots of thoughts came to my head and he looked at me. "We'll basically..." He said I stood there in the middle of Liams road scared as hell all I wanted to know why? Why would Louis do that?

A/N Sorry short just like leaving things on cliffhangers, so you might have guessed what Zouis have been up to ;) naughty the next chapter explains all so stay tuned. Love you all for reading thanks for voting, commenting and well just reading your amazing thanks again byeeeeee

Styles Triplets (Harry/Marcel/Edward Styles, Larcel bromance)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt