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Jewel's P.O.V.
During School

"Hey, what do I need to do?" I asked Macxim.

"Are you talking about the event I kind of talked about yesterday?" said Macxim.

I nodded, "Yes."

"Oh you don't really have do anything," said Macxim. "But I suggest you wear a red dress, since you like red dresses."


"So you and I match," Macxim smiled. "Also so everyone knows your my partner."

I blushed, "O-Okay."

《After School》

Kik Messenger

Rose: hey I need your help

Me: with what?

Rose: with picking a colour for the grade six butlers' tux

Me: okay

Rose: this

Rose: or this?

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Rose: or this?

Me: the white one

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Me: the white one.

Rose: okay thanks.

Me: btw Macxim asked me to be his partner for an event for the restaurant thing, what is he talking about?

Rose: sorry I'm not allowed to tell guests/customers

Me: come one tell me! Please!

Rose: I can't. Rules are rules.

Me: awww

Rose: oh and pick a dress

Me: wait what?

Rose: I'm going to ask my auntie to make a dress for you

Me: WHY?

Rose: cause I want you to look the most beautiful girl in the event

Me: WHY?

Rose: just pick a dress already

Me: okay FINE

Me: I pick this one

Rose: that's pretty and Macxim would think that also. Then he would think of taking you and running away with you.


Rose: Yes way, cause to him you are his princess

Me: no way. he knew I liked him and he didn't even ask me to dance with him during the Valentine's Day Dance, so there is no way he would think that

Rose: maybe cause he was too shy

Me: I doubt it

Rose: oh btw I'm like the Manger for the restaurant thing, so if you want any of the chefs or butlers to do something tell me

Me: wait so they will do whatever they ask you to?

Rose: yes. or no food for them 😈

《45 minutes later》

Macxim: okay so my brother and Rose are FORCING me to agree to something

Me: forcing you to do what?

Macxim: to measure you. so they can give the measurements to Rose's auntie so her auntie can be finished your dress before the restaurant thing.

Me: .......

Me: ummmm...

Macxim: no worries I will just be measuring your waist and hip

Me: oh okay

Macxim: so will you let me measure your waist and your hip?

Me: yeah sure..

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