Morgan that's good he ended it so you and Keaton can hang out!

My voice was kinda right, i did love Blaine but i guess he seriously didn't love me. So i decided to text Keaton back with my answer.

To: Keaton :) - We would love to hang out with you guys and the beach sounds amazing :)

Did i really want to hang out with Keaton and them right after i got my heart broken? Maybe they will make me forget about Blaine and all his bullshit, but one thing i had to do was prove everyone that nothing is going to happen between me and Keaton.


I was shocked to see how fast Keaton texted me back but i was happy that we were going to hang out and i was just smiling down at the text that made me forget about Blaine for a moment.

From: Keaton :) - meet us at the beach at 6 and cant wait :)

But I couldn't help but think of Blaine and why did he decide to break up with me? Did I do something wrong or was Blaine and everyone right that something was going to happen between Keaton and I and he didn't want to get hurt so he just went ahead and ended it?

*Blaine's POV*

- The Day Before -

I can't believe I haven't talked to Morgan since she went off telling me nothing was going to happen with her and Keaton, if I could only find my phone. My phone went missing the night I got that texted from Morgan, I thought I put it on the table as I walked to go get some fresh air, right when I was about to flip out Scott walked in.

"Scott have you seen my phone?"

"No man where did you leave it last" Scott said with seriousness in his voice.

"Dude I know what your going to do ok, there is no point in texting Morgan or even going to Cali." i was Shocked why was he telling me what to do? Why does he care? How did he know i wanted to go to Cali?

"I want my phone to call my mom and text Emily." I snapped at Scott, he looked at me like I was crazy and then he smiled.

"Finally dumped Morgan huh?" he said with a smirk across his face.

"Why the hell are you smirking dude and Morgan and I are still together." I was completely ready to just pound his fucking face in.

"Dude calm down i was just kidding and like I said you need to take a chill pill, i have an idea come to this party with me?" i looked at Scott puzzled,

Blaine go, it will help you think and relax a little dude.

My inner voice was right so i nodded my head and started heading for the door with Scott. As i walked past the table i found my phone right where i left it. As we reached the teen crowded house, i got a little nervous. I have never been to a party let along anywhere with Scott. We entered the house, i squeezed through the tight space and finally made it to the livining room where a group of kids sat smoking weed. I looked over to a blonde headed girl who kept her eyes locked on mine as she took the blunt from the dude beside her. She put it between her lips, i cringed at the sight. I looked away, the group of kids in front of me were handing drinks to each other and some dude that was drunk off his ass handed me a red cup. I looked down into the platic cup thinking about what the hell did i get myself into.

loosen up

Those two words keept playing in my head as the music got louder. I was about to set the cup down when the blonde that i noticed when i walked in came up to me.

"Hey handsome."

I examined her closer, with loads of make up covering her very beautiful big blue eyes. Her outfit was a little trashy, she wore a skirt that went up to mid thigh, and a shirt that will show a little more cleavage shown the usual.

"You look tense" she says as she walks behind me placing her manicured hands on my shoulders.

I try to say something but I'm frozen in my spot as her lips make contact with my neck.

"Loosen up" she whispers in my ear.

There are those two words again, maybe if Morgan can have fun I California I can have fun here. I bring the red cup up to my lips as I tip it back. The liquid burns my throats as it goes down. Soon enough I feel stress free, and mostly I'm ready to have some fun. I finish off my first cup as I'm handed another one by the blonde. She grabs my hand and drags me to the dance floor as other teens grind up on each other.

I watch as the mysterious blonde in front if my backs up until her back side is in my front. The liquor helps me loosen up as she moves her hips to then music. I place my hand on her hip as she moves. I tip my cup chugging all the liquid in it before tossing it to the floor.

- The Next Day -

Uhh man I have a horrible headach, My mind races as i opened my eyes and realized that i don't remember what happened last night. As I looked around the room it looked familiar then it hit me i was back at the house in my bed, so as i started to relax back into my bed i was taken back when i heard a sweet little voice.

"Morning handsome!"

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