Been Loving From Afar

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I gotta do it tonight. Rachelle will know how I feel. I just hope and pray she feels the same.

*After the Tag Match*

"Now that was epic Sami."
"Now we've got a tag title match secured."
"We'll win this. At the Rumble, we'll be the new Tag Champs and... I better go. You gotta talk to your girl that just rocked up."
"Wish me luck?"
"Just be honest and you'll be fine Sami."
"Ok, alright."
"Get your girl Sami... Rachelle! Sami needs to speak with you before the Divas Slammy."
"I'll see you two later."
"Bye!" Both Sami and Rachelle said at the same time.
"So what's up Sami?"
"Ummmm... I need to tell you something..."
"Sami, your worrying me."
"No, no, no. It's not bad. At least... I don't think it is."
"You don't think it is. Sami, that isn't very convincing."
"It kinda depends on how you take it."
"Right. Sami, what is it?"
"Since the day we met, we've been so close. Always been there for each other, been each others rock, become the best of friends... but..."
"But what?"
"I've... I've... always felt something more towards you. More than friendship. Dancing on the edge of falling love with you and I've stepped over that edge. Rachelle, I've fallen completely head over heels in love with you. I wanted to say something for so long, so long but I didn't have the guts to. I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same but I couldn't keep it in any longer. I love you."
"Sami... I..." Her words had gotten stuck in her own throat. She tried to push them out to no avail.
"I'm sorry. I knew I shouldn't have said anything. I've fucked this up. I'm just gonna go find Adrian. Good luck with the Slammy."
"Rachelle! Come on, they are about to announce the winner."
"Yeah, great..."

Sami. I love you too.

"And Diva of the Year goes to... Rachelle!" Seth Rollins announced. Rachelle's music blared from the speakers around the arena. The crowd cheered so loud the second she was practically pushed through the curtain.

She slowly walked over towards Seth, who's smile was beaming ear to ear. Safe to say, they were good friends too and ge was proud.

"Congrats Rachie!" Seth whispered into her ear as they hugged.
"Thanks Seth. I need to get backstage quick as possible."
"Ok. Do the speech and I'll get you back there."

Rachelle stepped upto the small stand that her Slammy was resting upon.

"I... ummm... I don't know what to say other than thank you all so much for this. I never actually expected to be the one girl to win this. With the talent back there, all these ladies. Thank you so much. This honestly means the world. I can't say it enough, thank you."

She went to step backstage with Seth before stepping up to the stand again.
"Um, before I go. I need to thank someone very special. Someone who's been there since the day I signed with WWE. He's been my rock, been my best friend. He was there to see me win my first NXT Womens title. To share such a moment with a good, special friend honestly made that the best time of my life. So, if you are listening somewhere. Sami Zayn, you said something to me before I came out here, you didn't give me time to say anything back. If you are listening... I love you too. I've always loved you. Good luck for the Tag Team Slammy and Superstar of the Year Slammy too. You deserve both-"

Worlds Apart, began to fill the arena. Sami Zayn soon appeared. He didn't seem hid usual self, he was more... nervous. Shy. He was actually blushing. He slowly approached Rachelle. It was now visible to her that the Canadians hands were shaking. She helped close the gap between quicker and held his hands in her own.

"I love you Sami."
"I... I love you too."

They both gazed into each others orbs. Chocolate orbs met fellow chocolate orbs, losing themselves in those eyes. The space between their lips faded, two pairs of soft tender lips locking onto each other.

Cheers rung out from the crowd, not that either Rachelle or Sami could hear. They were in their own little bubble.

Finally! Adrian was thinking. He had seen how each had looked at each other since their time at NXT. He often wanted to try and push them together but then decided to let them come together themselves, we'll, give Sami a little push into the right direction.

He stood backstage, proud and happy for his two friends.

Sami and Rachelle reappeared back in the gorilla to see all the Divas, Seth was already back there, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns were there aswell.

"Well finally!" Dean shouted.
"How long does it take to get a couple together?" Roman added.
"Was it that obvious we liked each other?" Sami asked.
"Dude, you could see it a mile off."
"All being said mate, you two deserve to be happy together."
"Thanks Adrian. Hey, Rachelle?"
"Yeah, Sami?"
"I want to take you somewhere after Raw has ended if that's alright?"
"Of course, I'll go anywhere with you."
"And cue Roman and I leaving. Look after her Sami, you've got a great one there."
"I do."
"Ewwwww, Roman let's go kick ass."
"Congrats." Roman said, passing both of them.

The Tag Team Slammy went to... Sami and Adrian! Both jumped with joy and of course Sami had a celebratory kiss before he went out with Adrian to get their Slammys. Both were just unbelievably happy. Today had been a brilliant, no, the best day ever.

*After Raw*

"All ready to go?"
"Yep. Where are we going Sami?"
"You'll find out very soon."

It was a ten minute drive to the sandy beach that was nearby. The scenery was beautiful, moonlight shining off the blue sea. Sami took Rachelle to the nearby rock pile, sitting her between his legs and allowing her to rest her head upon his shoulder.

"This is beautiful Sami."
"Nowhere as beautiful as you are."
"Or you my muffin."
"Yeah, muffin."
"Alrighty then. How about we make this official?"
"Official eh?"
"Yeah. Miss beautiful Rachelle, will you do the honour of becoming my girlfriend?"
"Ooo, hmmmm, I might have to think about this."
"Yeah, this is a big decision you know."
"True. Take as long as you need darling." Rachelle turned to face Sami, locking her lips on his soft, plump lips. "So is that a yes?"
"What do you think?"
"It most certainly is. Love you so much."
"I love you so much more."
"Not possible Sami."
"Yah it is. I made it possible."
"You dork."
"Yeah, your dork though."
"Yep, my dork and I'm your dork."
"A pair of dorks."
"Best dorks in the world."

The night was spent under the moonlight, listening to the song of the sea, soft splash after splash. Taking a slow walk across the golden sand, the grains getting between their toes. The night was perfect and nothing would ever better this day.

Declarations of love and fulfilment of two people.

Sami and Rachelle.

Life was now... perfect.

###### Tah dah!!!!! A one shot for one of my girls! RachelleJoseph I hope you love it! XD XD XD

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