Chapter Two

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Kristy's POV

We got into L.A. at the beginning of the week, and we shopped, dined, and hung out on the beach the whole week! Now, it's the day of the concert, and Kelsey and I are plunging into the racks upon racks of dresses for it tonight. I got us front row seats, in the center, and I can't wait. I have to look good, just in case Adam just happens to see me. But, I'm probably like every other fan girl who dreams about that.

"You're probably not going to see him." Kelsey says, trying on a really sparkly golden dress that brings out the highlights of her blonde hair.

"Yeah, but what if I do? I still want to look good. I'm glad my dad even let me off the farm land." I shrug on a purple dress with bold straps.

"I like this one." Kelsey says, referring to the gold dress.

"Hey, could you pick up those cream heels, and leather jacket for me?" I ask, from inside my dressing room.

"Yeah. Wait one second." she goes to the racks and comes back with my jacket and the shoes in my size.

I try them on and come out of the dressing room.

"What do you think, Kels?"

"You look AMAZING! That's what you're wearing tonight! I am paying for it, too. Go take it all off. I am also doing all the primping for you tonight. Excuse me, miss! We need these items brought up to the desk for us." she takes the hangers with my dress and other things and gives them to the obident sales girl.

This is going to be the best night of my life.

Adam's POV

Ahhhh, concert day. Filled with band rehersals and cutting songs last minute. Not to mention a slight update to my wardrobe hopefully. The guys show up at my door, ready to rehearse. We sit back a little bit, and then dive right in.

"So, any songs to cut?"

"Why don't we sing more of the old stuff. Like some songs from Songs About Jane or Hands All Over?" the guitarist asks.

"Yeah. Good idea. We should do Secret. Um.. Give A Little More. She Will Be Loved, and The Sun." I suggest, writing the songs down.

"Then, we will have to cut some songs."

"Ok. If I had to chose I would say, cut If I Never See Your Face Again and call Rihanna somebody, so she knows not to come. And Payphone, plus Shiver. Anything else?"

Everybody shakes their heads and we all go to the location of our concert to rehearse for the rest of the day.

Kristy's POV

Now, it's the night of the concert, and I enjoy a long relaxing shower, before Kelsey started pulling my hair into numberous braids while it dried so that it would be curly when she unraveled them.

"You take all of that just to get ready?" Alex asked, staring at me as if I was a rabid animal while Kelsey smoothed the foundation on my skin, and starting in on my eyeliner. She is the only one who could do it right. I would mess it up.

"I know. For you guys you take three seconds to take a shower, pull on some clothes, and brush your hair, and you look great. But, it takes us a little longer to get ready. We actually want to look good." Kelsey half-said half-spat.

"Hey, don't take it out on the outfit." Alex feigned hurt, "You will look great any way you go, Krist. Like you always do." he kisses the top of my head, affectionately and smiles at me in the mirror.

"Thanks, Alex." In a matter of no time, Kelsey is done with my make-up and I am ready to get into my dress.

I am wary of the make up and freshly done hair do as I slip into my dress. I smile at myself in the mirror, and slip the shoes and leather jacket over my bare shoulders. I walk into the bathroom door frame and smile at my friends who look me over.

"You look beautiful!" Alex exclaims throwing his arms around me.

"Thanks, Alex." I smile and nuzzle into his embrace.

Adam's POV

I am backstage and I can hear the roar of the crowd as the opening act finishes, and we are getting announced. I shake out my hands, mini-running in place. The front row is packed, and I am starting to get the mental high that comes with preforming in front of a sell-out crowd. I take a semi-deep breath and walk out onto the stage, as the crowd erupts into cheers and the guys take to their instruments. All it takes is a countdown. Then, silence as the beat slowly starts, and I take the mic.

Kristy's POV

I watch Adam a little closer than I normally would. His eyes look a little bit red and puffy, but he's so confident on the mic that I almost don't notice. But, I'm too observant to just let that little detail about him go by unnoticed. I want more then anything for him to notice me right here right now. But, he won't. The lights gleam behind him, and as the next song plays, our eyes seem to lock. I blink a little bit, smiling just slightly, and he smiles back. The next song starts to play and since I know all of them, I start to sing it. And he sings, too. The euphoria of the concert and of seeing Adam and having him see me, overtook me. It made me feel better, and as he sings "She Will Be Loved" I see his hand stretch out to me, and I take it as he helps me up onto the stage and hands me a microphone. 

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