Dear Valentine ♥ ♥

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Dear valentine
I don’t need to be reminded by some commercials to show the one close to my heart that I love him.
Why would I want my beloved one to think that I love him only 1 day in the year by a silly gift. If there are 365 days in a year.
365 days a year to say that I love him.
Why should I be focusing on the day where it actually has no special value "commercial love" but that everyone feels obliged not to forget this “special” day.
365 days in a year. you can make each other happy and cherish each other values.
To strengthen a relationship you always have the think about each other. A small gesture has more value than a costly gift.
I'm not saying that a Valentine gift has no value. I am not talking about that.
I do not want to feel obliged to bestow my love on 14 February with a commercial gift.
So dear Valentine.
What is the deal with this pagan holiday which itself has no recognition within our faith?

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