Paper Bombs and Death

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‘Why is this becoming a habit?’ I winced as the blood dripped into the ocean. ‘Why did I leave my bandages with Inari? I mean sure he gets hurt but I’m a ninja I need them.’

I sighed before trying to re-evaluate my plan. ‘No it won’t work without wire and I’m pressed for time so there’s no way I can figure out another.’

I slowly placed the wire back into the pouch leaving my injured hand out of the salty water. My hand brushed against a piece of fabric and I was quickly reminded of Kakashi’s gloves. I carefully took them out and smiled as I thought of what Kakashi had said after I said I wouldn’t need them.

You might later on. Keep them in your room’ That’s what he had said, who knew he’d be right.

I quickly slipped them on but slowed over my cut wincing as it dragged over it. Once the gloves were on though the salt seeped into my wound nearly making me tear it off but the necessity of them stopped me.

I took a deep breath before pulling the wire back out of my pouch. I uncurled a section of it without any issues and managed to attach it to the paper bomb. I then slowly swam through the water ignoring the throbbing pain emitting from my wound every time it slid into the water.

I circled the boat completely and still had quite a few bombs left over which amazed me. I started to swim back to the anchor but stopped when I saw the men standing on the platform waiting for the signal to climb. ‘No…’

I quickly swam to the anchor and began to silently climb it the cold wind snatching away my body heat away making me shiver. When I finally reached the top, my nose had gone cold and my fingers were savoring the slight warmth given from the gloves.  I looked around the deck and found it completely deserted I stayed behind barrels and kept darting into dark shadows as I made my way around the deck placing paper bombs and wire as I went.

By the time I was done the thugs had started to climb the ladder so I quickly jumped onto the anchor chain before quietly sliding down it and into the water. Then as the last men went up the ladder, I slowly followed leaving a trail of paper bombs behind me. Just in case any thugs tried to get away. I crept onto the bridge and waited behind some scaffolding. I was waiting for the perfect time to trip the first wire.

As I waited a sudden wave of energy came over the bridge nearly knocking me from my sitting position to the floor. It had been the residual wave created by a powerful chakra release, created by Kakashi’s chakra. ‘What on earth was that? How did he do it?’

I looked back down the bridge hoping the fog would clear a bit so I could see. It didn’t, all I could see was the dark outlines of Gato’s small army. ‘I hope everyone’s okay…even Haku and Zabuza.’

I kept my eyes down the bridge as the mist cleared slowly bit by bit after what seemed like forever. I saw two people an adult and a kid run off farther down the bridge passing another kid. An adult was crouched by what looked like a body while another stood just watching. ‘No, No. Who died? It can’t have happened, no one was supposed to die.’

I was about to get up and run to them, just to verify that they were dead. My breathing was shallow as I tried to calm my nerves and keep my hiding place secret. It took all the will-power I had not to bolt it down the bridge.

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