Chapter 2

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 High School

It was in high school by accident that Edward confirmed to himself his feelings towards Camille.

Miss Guarin, the English teacher wrote the word 'love' fiercely on the chalkboard. She stood in front of the class wielding her stick with flourish.

"So before we go to our lesson today I want to ask the actors if they are ready on Monday. Where's Juliet?"

Camille raised her hand.

"I want to remind you that you need to iron out your performance. And Romeo."

A boy called Ramil raised his hand.

" I want to see your costume." Ramil nodded. "Final rehearsal on Friday."

Miss Guarin's voice filled the room as the class listened. "Love, the most popular theme of many verses. Some people say that poetry was invented because of love. Who can cite a famous love poem?"

A girl raised her hand and answered "How Do I Love Thee" by Elizabeth Barret Browning.

"A fine example of a sonnet which was written for her husband, another poet Robert Browning. Another one, Edward?"

Edward swallowed before he answered, "'Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day?'"

"One of the most famous sonnets of Shakespeare. Yes, good example. So open your books to page twenty seven."

The class dissected a love poem. The teacher was inspired. She read the poem with flare, and afterwards was breathless.

"For your assignment, write a love poem in free verse by Friday morning. Class dismissed."

The students shuffled out of the classroom. Some were elated and some were irritated.

Camille called Edward at two on Friday morning.

Edward: Do you know what time it is? It's two oh five. What could be so important that you will call

me at this time?

Camille: I still haven't written anything. I need inspiration. Come on inspire me.

Edward: Between the two of us you're the poet.

Camille: I can't write...I still have to fall in love.

Edward: Think of it as an exercise in metaphors. Imagine you're in love with me.

Camille: You can't be serious.

Edward: Describe me. It's just pretend. Go on, in one sentence, describe me.

Camille: This is hopeless, but... (Camille started typing on the keyboard)

Your eyes speak to me, like making love... (Silence)

How's that? (Silence)

Are you there?

Edward: That's my girl. That was awesome.

Camille: You think?

Edward: What happens next? What do you feel?

Camille: Your eyes speak to me, like making love

And the entire universe whirls above me,


Soul and memories lost

In this thing we can't even name...

But in that moment that we kiss

I feel the earth move

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