I still remembered their last words, "This is for your own good. You are to dangerous for society. You need help that we cannot provide ourselves. Do not come back unless you are truly cured. Fair well, our daughter." They hadn't bothered to say a proper goodbye or even an "I love you." They were more than happy to send me off to this place and I felt a tear roll down my cheek at the thought of it. Why did I have to be born to such cruel monsters? Why did I have to be brought here?

A cold metal touching the back of my body and leather being tightened around my body brought me back to reality. I had almost forgotten what was happening to me. Too bad dreams aren't reality...

A whirring and zapping started up in the background and I knew what happened next before they wetted my temples and put the metal on my skin. It was better to be numb and spaced out. It helped block out the pain from this "treatment." Yet I knew they wouldn't be happy until I screamed and writhered in pain on the table. This was one of the times that my schooling in acting came in handy. It made the process quicker and less painful.

Once the doctors were mildly satisfied with this treatment they left the room, leaving me strapped to the table. I knew this wasn't it. They would come back later and go for round two. I had been through the process numerous time and knew what to expect each time. Although I was starting to get worried that my brain my turn to mush, not that it wasn't already...

° ° ° °

After round two I nearly passed out on the table from exhaustion, but I wouldn't give them the pleasure of that. Lord have mercy on my soul if I did. I could end up dead for all I know and then they could experiment on me. Oh the horror of it! Yet the doctors would probably enjoy getting to dissect me.

While I was busy fighting off sleep, I didn't notice the shadows gathering to form a creature in the corner. If I had been awake and alert I would have seen everyone leave the room and the creature come towards me. I may have even called out for help, not that anyone would want to help a supposed mental patient. But no, I was to busy battling off the darkness creeping over me.

"You humans are so weak and small minded." The voice that spoke out to me was deep, yet raspy almost as if the speaker hadn't had a drink of water for days.

"Mmmhm... Who-who's there?" I called out to the voice, the shadows forming an intricate dance across the room as my vision weaved between reality and fantasy, the reprieve I call my dreams.

"Well if you were actually awake and paying attention to your surroundings you might have actually seen me. Maybe even recognized me, but that's just my opinion." If I had been up and moving I would have punched the speaker because he was starting to sound very much like a cocky, egotistical man I used to know.

"Uhng..." I had meant to growl at the man but my growl came out more like a groan of pain.

"Now, now girly. Don't hurt yourself," the speaker said while laughing as if he had told a funny joke.

"Ha..." I had also meant to laugh sarcastically at him but it came out as a wheeze that sent me into a painful coughing fit. When it seemed to be through I heard footsteps approaching the table I was on.

"I thought I had told you not to hurt yourself," the voice said right next to my ear. I could feel his hot breath on the side of my face and it made my body want to curl in on itself. And then I remembered I was strapped to a table so my movements came out as a cringe.

"You-you... di-did..." I said this in between coughs, all to aware that I was being stared at.

"Well then take my advice and don't do anything."

"Bu-" My thoughts were interrupted by a cold finger being placed on my lips. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Shh, be quite," He said with a hint of laughter. This only caused me to huff in annoyance. I was no child. I was to turn 18 next spring, I was almost a legal adult.

The man ignored my huff and began to undo the straps holding me in place on the table. Each time he undid one he made sure to touch my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

Once I was free I felt arms wrap around me, lifting me. I was held to the man's chest as he carried me. Shivers were constantly going down my spine now that he was holding me and it almost felt like I was seizuring in his arms.

"I wish I could say you were safe with me, but I can't," the man said. I didn't want to feel like that in his arms so I curled up closer to his chest and to my surprise the shivers stopped.

"I do fe-feel sa-fe... in-in your arms." It was hard to say with my coughing but with him I did feel better.

° ° ° °

A/N: It's one in the morning and I was listening to "Asylum" by Disturbed when I got the idea for this. I know. I'm weird. Lol but hey a story is a story :) I didn't proofread or anything... Like always... But hey I hope you enjoyed reading this first part as much as I enjoyed writing it :P

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