Pages of Zira

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I walked into the classroom around 3 . I sat down in the empty room preparing the agenda for the poetry meeting . I am the president of the poetry club "Pages of Zira" . I'd barely even call it a club considering its less than 3 members who show up on days. No one is reliable . Ms. Battle is always a bit late . She comes after she finishes up in her room and clicks her heels down the empty hallway swaying her hips to the sound her long dreads make as they swing and hit the back of her shirt . I swear time slows when she walks . I know that's dramatic but I'm a poet.

I have a show coming up . Im actually here to practice with her or whoever shows . I have a black history performance on Feb 26th. Ms. Battle knows I can do it, so she's yet to have heard my piece . The last time I preformed in front of her it went a bit like this...

"Okay I'm ready" she said with a blank face . I guess kids come and go talking a lot of shit, like they can really spit but don't . I be began my poem . I watched as she shifted and crossed her legs as I spoke. When I finished she moved her hand from over her mouth and said " Girl... You just gave me chills. You see these goose bumps?? Uggghh it was so so good" . I watched her lips intensely. Her eyes focused on mine . I got nervous and laughed . She laughed too . I said thank you and went back into the room where the other people were . I'm not too sure of how to have a conversation with a women that beautiful .

Ms. Battle entered the room and sat down on top of the table dead infront of me . Her cream dress flowed on top of her curves in such a perfect way I couldn't help but stare and lick my lips.

"Hey love, how's it going" she said as she took her bag off and got comfortable. "Its okay I just wish people would let me know if they aren't going to come" I said slightly showing how angry I really was for having my time wasted. " I'm here, so its okay right?" She said giving me one of her cute half smiles. " Right ." I said smiling hard. "So, are you ready for the 26th ?" I said. " I'm so excited I invited all my girls to see you. I want everything to be perfect !" She exclaimed. "I know it will, you've worked so hard " I got up and sat on top of my desk so I was directly across from her . She put her hands on my knees and kept talking to me about what she hoped would happen the night of the show but all I could focus on was the way her nails gently traced my knees and lower thighs, all I could do was pretend to listen and try not fall off of the damn desk.

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