The Witch's version of Sleeping Beauty

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Hi, for those who read my story, this is a story written by me when I'm eight years old, so I might have some grammar mistakes, and my first language is not English. Please read and review, because I also wanted to know if there's anything I need to improve :D

       Have you ever heard the story of Sleeping Beauty? Well, I guess everyone has but anyway this is a real and true story about it. Let the witch tell you her version of Sleeping Beauty.

      Why is the witch always the bad guy in the story? Why the witch is always so old in the book? It's not fair! I had enough with it! I'm definitely not as old and bad as they make me out to be- well, maybe a little but people don't even know the true story about Sleeping Beauty. I'm only eighteen years old, why do I have to be an old witch? Anyway, let the story begin, this is what really happened...

     "Those mean, lazy, nasty, impolite, stupid, ugly, boastful and plumpy old parents of Sleeping Ugly, why didn't they invite me to the party to see their daughter? Their fatty, patty, disgusting, idiot little duckling daughter, should not be named Sleeping Beauty."

      The King and Queen didn't invite me to the party they held for their daughter but who cares? Ha! I have an idea "I'm going to see her anyway!" I muttered to myself and laughed evilly. When I arrived at the party, all the chitter chattering noise became so quiet you could hear a pin drop, nobody spoke. I didn't care and I shrugged my shoulders so I walked over there to see their daughter.

    "Oh dear, oh dear," I said out loud. " What an ugly daughter, like her parents! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Suddenly I noticed that everyone was glaring at me, including the King and Queen. Uh- oh.

      "AHHH!" the King lifted me up and threw me right out of his castle. Ow, that's hurt. I rubbed my poor butt and then shouted "I'll be back for one day! You're going to regret it!"

    Years has passed and Sleeping Ugly has turned to a young woman. 'Now, time for my revenge' I thought.

     I thought of many ways to dispose their daughter but none of them work! NONE! Now actually there IS one more way to do it. Please, it's the only chance, it must work! So finally, I gathered up my courage and went to look for You- Know- Who. Oh come on! Where is she? I couldn't find her so I used my lovely, magical crystal ball to see where she was. The crystal ball began to glow and lit up magically to show me that Sleeping Beauty was in the garden.

      I used my broomstick and flew as fast as the wind into the garden to search for her. Aha! There she is, singing with the animals just like you would read in a fairytale book. I went over to talk to her but before I could say anything, she said "Urgh, what are you doing here, you ugly, evil and horrifying witch? Get out, I don't want to talk to you!"

      I felt blood boiling inside me. 'How dare she!' I thought to myself. I hate her so much now I feel like I could even break her in half! Oh, she's SOO going to regret messing with the most "powerful" witch! "Fine, I'll leave. You ugly, stupid, dumb, mean, idiot brain, gorilla face Sleeping Chicken!" I said the whole sentence in one breath.

      "Y-you" she pointed at me furiously and before she could say anything more, I got myself ready, then as hard as I could, I punched her right in the face! She fainted and fell to the ground with a big thud. I smiled smugly and smirked, ha! she deserved it. Suddenly I heard a sound and I started to panicked so I hopped onto my broomstick and flew away.

        I felt so good after I punched her in the face "Woohoo!" I cheered.

        After a few days, the news reported that Sleeping Ugly married a prince, but I don't even care. In fact, HA! I feel sorry for the prince because he's going to have a rude and bossy princess. Right now, I'm perfectly happy with my life and I love my black cat, my broomstick and my magical crystal ball. That's the end of my tale!

~The End~

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