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I believe in the power of sleep.

Or, well, of its effects when one doesn't get enough.

The day starts off fine, but then the going gets rough-

Dozing off here, a bit of yawning there

Unfocusing as if there's a drug in the air.

......I probably need to concentrate on getting more.

I believe in humanity.

We have our ups and downs, as so many do

With our everyday struggles, and global ones too.

But if we all could come together

And clear this stormy weather...

There's a lot we could accomplish.

I believe in a magic, of sorts.

Call it the child in me,

Refusing to wake from this hell of a dream

And looking at the world in a naïve wonder.

But I suppose it was my own blunder

To tell that to the realists.

I believe in the power of love.

As corny and overused as it sounds,

This statement covers a lot of stable ground-

The love of a family, the embrace of a friend,

Those short (Yet constant!) notes distant acquaintances send-

Not all of love has to be with a lover.

I believe in my friends and family.

The rocks in my life, the support that I need,

And who all sometimes give me the oxygen to breathe.

They chase the doubts away,

Replacing them with the lights of my day....

They need more credit than I could ever give.

I believe that I am essentially nothing.

As bad as seems, it can only be true

In the mind of a girl who doesn't know what to do.

In the failure and pain, the dark of the brain

That useless feeling that often comes with rain.

I wonder why I'm even here sometimes.

But I believe

That this feeling will end

As I take one, slow step towards that corner in the bend.

And though there will always be those moments where one

Just wants to call it quits, and forever be done

I believe I am never alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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