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1/6/13 post it note exchange on bathroom mirror

Hello Beautiful,

Did I say how much I love you today? Well, I love you so, so, so much. More than you love chocolate- and that's saying a lot because you once tried to live off of chocolate when you were fifteen. You only lasted two days before puking, and you still kept eating it after that. I would've never been able to look at a chocolate bar again if I were you.


Your Sammy



Please don't remind me of that epic fail. I almost wasn't able to recover from that traumatic experience...but Kit Kats are too good to give up.

Yes, you told me you loved me this morning, remember old man? :)

I love you, too




Huh, I did, didn't I? Oh well, it's not a bad thing to proclaim my love for you more than once a day.

- Sammy

1/9/13 note exchange on kitchen table


I ran out to get some more milk. Do not throw away the half eaten cereal on the table! I'm not done with it, it needs more milk. I went to get more milk.

- Sammy



I DID NOT THROW AWAY YOUR CEREAL! I only moved it to the counter so I could clean the table. But then I kept it there because ....I don't know why.

- Abby

1/17/13 notes in lunch bags

Beautiful Abby,

I hope you have a wonderful day at work! I love you.


Your Sammy


My Sammy,

Have a great day at work, hot stuff! See you tonight! I'm making Italian for dinner.

I love you,

Abby :)

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