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I was fine. Your ghost had become so weak that i was fine. I could watch my favorite shows again and even eat my favorite candy without thinking of you.

But you had to screw that up for me didn't you? You had to come back? Haunting me wasn't enough, you had to talk to me. You had to weasel your way back into my life. I had forgotten the pain by now. It was finally over, I had moved on.

And here you are, telling me you're sorry & you miss me. And you want to spend time with me.
And I made the mistake of thinking it would be okay. That I could handle you in my life.

Less then a week has gone by and I already feel like I'm the girl you left all those months ago, waiting for you to care. Just waiting for you to save me.
I had fixed myself and you had to pull me to pieces.

Why don't you understand how much pain you cause me? How do you not understand that what you have done is not okay. You left, you had no right to come back now.

Things were finally good. I could feel again, I was no longer beating myself up for everything that went down between us.

And now you're back, and you're in my head and in my dreams.
And when I try to talk to you, ask you why you're doing this to me you just go silent. You know I hate the silence.

Why do you insist on breaking me? You know I'm already broken, you know all my secrets, why do you wish to hurt me so much? And my can't you just answer me? Why can't you just be honest?
Stop haunting me. I moved on, you destroyed that by coming back. I was content, I was fine, I was even falling for someone new, now I can't even speak to them without thinking about you.
Just tell me.

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