Surprise, Surprise!

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    I woke up with a searing pain in my back. What could it be? I don't have back problems and I did not sleep in a wrong way. I do always sleep on my stomach though... Either way I have to check this out. I tried to stand up but the pain was excruciating. I never experienced this much pain in my life, and I do have really good pain tolerance. Then, clumsy moi fell of the bed and on my back. This time I could not hold back the scream that was climbing up my throat.

"Ok Ara, calm down, you need to get to the bathroom and see what is wrong with your back." As soon as I said that the pain stopped. "What in fuck's name was that" Then there was a long pause of just me breathing. "That, Ara, was you accepting my existence" said a voice in my head. "Who the fuck are you?" I thought back. "Go look in the mirror and you will see for yourself."

I walked to the mirror and I almost fainted. There were huge, black wings attached to my back. And no, not crappy fairy wings, these wings were abnormally huge. They were like Maleficent's! Wow! "Ok so I have wings, what do I do with them, can I fly or move them?" I thought to the voice in my head. "First of all, I am not just a voice in your head, my name is Fleur and I am your wings. I know that sounds weird but it is true." Ok now I'm way taken back. "Does that mean that there are other supernatural creatures?" I asked. "Ara, I have so many things to say you might as well sit down and let me explain everything." I obeyed and went to my bed and sat down. It was a bit difficult to do that with wings but I managed.

"Let me be clear. Your parents, Mary and John are not your real parents. And before you interrupt me, notice that your real parents are dead. They were killed by vampires. Your mother was an angel and your father was a demon. You inherited your father's wings and your mother's attitude and sarcasm. As far as I know you are the only hybrid between an angel and a demon. You are extremely powerful, you have all their strengths but none of their weaknesses. You might as well be invincible. If someone finds out that you are alive they will stop at nothing to kill you."

Ok, that was overwhelming. I mean I always dreamed like a little kid what would it be like if I was a supernatural being but I never thought about this. Then Fleur started talking again "You have sharpened senses, you can see better and you can smell 10 times better than a werewolf. Your mental capabilities will also increase. That means it would make you smarter." That was cool. "Hey Fleur, do my eyes change color?" I really was curious to find out. In all the werewolf books I read their eyes used to change color.

"Yes Ara, they do change color. When you are angry they change to amber, when you are lusting they change to deep green and when you are happy they change to vibrant blue." I paused for a second. "Wow I never expected so many colors at once!" I was really happy, cut I was also scared, what if someone went after me and tried to kill me. "Ara, remember that your strength increased greatly and you can take any human down now." Right that was a bit of consolation. Then there was a long pause. During that pause I noticed I could see better, smell the pancakes coming from downstairs and hear my mom cook them.

Just thinking about breakfast made me hungry. Oh fuck! It's Wednesday! I quickly got off my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and combed my black hair. My eyes are naturally brown almost black. They turn black in the sun. My eyes are very weird. After I finished in the bathroom I went in my walk-in wardrobe and put on some leggings and then I tried putting on a shirt. Key word "Tried" I forgot my wings were there, and I could not put my shirt on. "Hey Fleur, I need some help here, how do these wings disappear?" I heard Fleur laugh in my head and then felt my wings shrinking and shrinking, until I could not feel them anymore.

"Hey Fleur, can I tell anybody about this? I mean my wings?" I asked. "No Ara you can't. It would be a disaster if your secret would be found out." I felt disappointed, but I sucked it up and continued walking down the stairs. Oh right today I would start at that new school. Perfect, things to steal, places to vandalize. Just you wait and see people from my new school. When I got downstairs my mom finished the pancacas! Don't judge me I like to call them that, it's funny! "Sweetie, would you like some pancakes?" My mom asked. "No mom I want to see how the school is" I said slipping my combat boots on. I grabbed an apple and by bag and went to the garage.

My baby was waiting for me there. My baby is a black Yamaha. It is wonderful. I mounted over it and the engine roared to life. 10 minutes till' school starts so if I drive above the limit I will be there on time. 7 minutes later I arrived at school and parked beside a giant oak tree. When I took my helmet off this weird smell hit me. I knew what it is but I just could not place it. I sniffed the air one more time and then I figured it out. Mutt! It smelled like wet mutt in here. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. There are werewolves in here! Shit!

I heard some wolf whistled which is funny because they are wolfs. I walked to the school entrance and went to the receptionist. After I got my schedule I was going to my locker. Then I herd he word that I never wanted to hear. "Mate." Well. Fuck!


Hi Guys! This is my 1st book on Wattpad. I am gonna try update every day if I have time. I normally do but sometimes I may not. 

If you have any suggestions, please tell me, I would be pleased to know!

BTW, Ara is on the top!

Bye Guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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