The Princess versus the Ojou.

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Time flies, doesn't it? Perhaps too fast for my liking.

"It's that time again." Sakurako murmured, eyes locked on the poster in front of them. "The Cake Grand Prix..."

"Are you going to enter again, Sakurako?" asked Rumi beside her.

One important rule was that the previous year's winners were prohibited from competing in the next year's Cake Grand Prix. However, in her case, there was a technicality. Since she was on a different team in a different country, she was allowed to participate.

I've already had my time in the spotlight.

Sakurako shook her head. "Mm-mm. I don't plan on it. I think it's a little selfish of myself if I did."

Rumi chuckled lightly. "You sound so mature!"


"Oh, but you should probably tell the others. They might want you to help them."

"You're right. I didn't think of that until now."

I hope they'll respect my wishes and let me be. Surely there are equally as skilled people that are fit to fill in my place.

She rounded up the group and shared her thoughts on the matter. Hanabusa and Andou seemed nervous. Kashino was too, and a little upset, but he was skilled at hiding it.

"That's a shame. We were all looking forward to working with you." Hanabusa glanced at Kashino, implying that he felt the same. "But if that is what you truly want..."

Andou sighed. "I don't want a repeat of last time with Ojou."

"Ah! Andou—!"

Kashino's face paled considerably and every muscle in his body froze. Hanabusa sighed.

"Oh, now you've done it."

"No! Don't speak her name!" Kashino almost yelled out.

What's gotten into him? I would push further, but it's for the best if I ask Andou or Hanabusa instead.

"Who is Ojou?" she asked Hanabusa in a hushed tone.

"Koshiro Miya. She's our senpai and part of our group last year. We could have had a shot at advancing, but she kept dragging us down every step of the way. She has a huge crush on Kashino."

"I need some fresh air!" Kashino rushed out the door with Choco.

"Well, he'll be like that for the next couple of minutes." said Hanabusa with a sigh.

"Sorry... Her name just slipped out."

"...She seems kind of pathetic in my opinion." All eyes focused on Strawberry. "I'm only saying it as I see it." She shrugged. "What excuse of a pâtissiére casts away the sense of pride and joy for a feeble crush? I'm not saying that romance is a bad thing, but you need to keep your emotions in check. When she intentionally brings down and crushes the hopes and dreams of her fellow, hardworking teammates, I can't find any sympathy to give her."

"I-I understand what you're saying, Strawberry, but that's kind of harsh." Sakurako replied. The others couldn't even believe what she said.

"Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is give people a reality check."

"Well, you're not wrong..." said Hanabusa.

An ear-piercing scream rang from outside, startling all of them. They scrambled to the door to find a brunette wrapped around a terrified Kashino.

"Get off of me!"

She relented without changing her flirtatious, love-sick expression.

"My, my, Makoto-kun, you sure like to cause trouble."

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