Meetings in New York

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8:30 AM. My alarm on my phone was ringing.

"No" I moaned and turned off my alarm. Saw a couple texts from Jade, seeing how much she loved LA. And she already met DNCE in the baggage claim. So jealous. I've loved Joe Jonas since I was 16.

I hopped in the shower, did my makeup, found a cute outfit and stood in the mirror. I had a black dress on, with the top of the dress being red with black dots, and a pair of flats. I was already short, so why not just add to the fact right?

9:30 AM. I figured I'd walk to the Starbucks down the street, grab a coffee and then hope I can get their by subway, wasn't too good with taxis, as the first one me and Jade ever took seemed a bit shady. I found a Starbucks right down the street and started researching how far to go. It wasn't that far so I was doing well so far.

On the subway, I sent a text to Jade, as she would be asleep thanks to LA time. I also sent one to my mom letting her know I was nervous and I hoped it was all going to work out.

10:37 AM. I walked up from the station and saw the building one block down. Took a quick snapchat with the words "How excitingg!" I wasn't sure if I had to call Eric or not, so a quick text would do, as I said I'd call him when the meeting was over

10:45 AM. I walked into the office and checked in with the receptionist. Now that's a job I want. Do you realize how many famous people you would see on a daily basis? I wonder if this singing career doesn't work out how I could apply to do that...

I sat there watching music videos of their famous clients. I saw an old Hilary Duff music video and the 10 year old me was freaking out. I was becoming more and more nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they hate my personality or something? What if I'm not what I'm looking for? But then something snapped me out of my trance.

"Kayla?" The lady called my name and I walked up to the desk.

"Yes? I asked.

"Go up to the 7th floor, and Maryanne will let the group know you're here. Good luck!" She smiled.

"Thank you." I said as I walked to the elevator.

That seemed like the longest elevator ride of my life, and I've been on the 15th floor before. I got off it and went to the other receptionist. How many of them did these kinds of buildings have??

"Hi, I'm Kayla." I almost had to force myself to say. The nerves were sure kicking in.

"Hi! I'll let them know you're on the way! Go to room 723."She picked up the phone and dialed their room as I walked down the hall.

I stood at the door for about 30 seconds. My stomach was in knots, my heart was pounding. I had no idea what to expect from this, so here we go. I knocked on the door and the commotion in the room stopped.

The door opened and there stood a very tall boy.

"You must be Kayla, they're all being lame and hiding. Come on in" It ended up being Ryland, which took me by surprise.

I walked into the room and there they all were. They were just sitting there looking all serious, just about scaring me even more. I looked down and then I heard a loud giggle from Rydel, which after that everyone else started laughing.

"Come on sit down!" She told me and I walked towards the group. Ryland left the room and it was just us 6. I looked around for a spot to sit, but then I was pushed onto a couch right in between Rocky and Riker. I was afraid to breathe, do anything really as the boy to my right, who was also the boy of my dreams put his left arm around me.

"So you're Kayla huh?" He said

"Hi everyone. I'm a really huge fan." I said quietly.

"You are so shy, there's no reason to. We're all family." Ross said. Which the whole room groaned at the lame joke.

So I take it we don't need to introduce ourselves, which I'm bummed about because I had this really cool idea." Ellington laughed and Rydel rolled her eyes.

"We, well I wanted to pick the opening act, because well, we wanted someone who seemed cool and like relatable." Riker said.

"We were up for like days trying to find someone good, and you're the one who stood out to us!" Rydel smiled.

"Now, down to business. Explain yourself." Ross said.

I took a deep breath

"I'm almost 23, and I love singing. I was one semester of graduating college, but I didn't know what to do with my life. I would always passionately sing songs on the radio, pretending and sometimes knowing what the person singing was going through. I just started writing my own stuff, and I want to make this last as long as I can. It makes me really happy, and I love knowing that I'm even starting to inspire people to do what they love too." I smiled.

"Wow that's pretty cool stuff." Rocky said

"What kind of social media do you work with?"

"I use Twitter and Snapchat the most, Instagram and Tumblr too."

"Are you ready for the greatest summer of your life!?" Ross almost screamed which made me jump a bit. That made everyone else start laughing again.

"I won't lie, I'm scared as hell. But I'm so ready for this." They all started high fiving me and I smiled again.

"Also serious, what do you think of opening acts?" Ellington asked,

"Well, they can achieve great things. My best friend is going on tour with a band that opened for One Direction twice, and they are doing amazing. I think you need to be great to open up for the band or singer you want to see. Some people don't even want to see the openers sometimes, which is total shit because you could be losing out on seeing your new favorite artists. I just don't know how close they get, or allowed to get with the main act." I looked down. That was probably the wrong thing to say.

"The boys will be fighting over hanging with you, because they gotta go through me first!" Rydel laughed and I looked back up at them.

We ended up talking for over an hour about random things, laughing having such a great time.

"Oh yeah, where are you from? We just got that you're living in Chicago right now." Ross asked.

"I'm from Detroit."

"Ew the Red Wings." Riker rolled his eyes.

"Ew the Avalanche!" I exclaimed back. Laughing at the rivalry they've always had.

"You already got cool points for that" He told me. I melted inside.

They wanted to meet one more time for finalizing things, after their manger got in touch with Eric.

"Thank you guys so much. I can't believe any of this! When I am I allowed to say something?"

"You should be able to after we meet again, unless someone hacks you then you're screwed." Rocky now laughed.

"Ever been to NYC?" They all asked at the same time.

"So first, wow good job at 5 way stereo, and only once, but in high school so it's been awhile. Kinda wanna explore around and stuff." I said grabbing my purse from the side of the couch.

"Well, since we're tour mates now, here's our numbers if you have any questions. Warning, someone here likes to drunk text people Riker." Ross pointed at him and he shrugged.

"Least I drink in public legally!"

They all gave me a hug and I walked out the door. I walked out of the office feeling amazing. I decided a cryptic tweet was good enough.

@Kaylala: Some VERY exciting news coming up!!! #noway

I couldn't believe what was happening. I was going on tour with my favorite band. The only hard part was not being able to say anything at the moment. And not flirt with Riker, which was probably rule number one.

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