“Seth!” I groan and close my eyes when I hear an all too familiar voice. 

I open my eyes and look to my left. “Kate,” I state. She can just never leave me alone. 

Back in sophomore year of high school I had asked out Kate, not knowing her true colors. She’s evil, a bitch, and nasty, and just fake. Sadly, it took me a year to realize it. I broke up with her during the middle of junior year and she just hasn’t learned the term of leave me alone.  She dates other guys but somehow she’s always running back to me. It sucks because I’m trying to get Lacey and Kate is trying to get me. Its just not going to work. I feel bad for her poor future husband. 

“Lacey, right?” Kate questions as she looks at Lacey, an eyebrow up. 

“Kate leave her alone,” I groan. 

Kate smacks her lips together. “Seth I’m pretty sure Lacey can talk for herself, right?” Lacey just shifts uncomfortably in her spot, she was fidgeting with her fingers, gnawing at her bottom lip, and shifting from heel to heel. 

“Kate, seriously go away,” I huff out. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with Kate right now. She’s too stressful and just annoying. 

Kate smirks and wraps her arm around my bicep. “Awe aren’t you just lovely, Seth. Standing up to your shy little girlfriend, “ She squeezes my arm and I try to pry her fingers off, finally she rolls her eyes and drops her hand. “Whatever,” she grumbles then turns around and storms down the hallway. 

I roll my eyes and look back at Lacey. “You alright?” Lacey just nods and wraps her hands around her backpack straps on her shoulders.

“I’m just going to walk to class,” Lacey mumbles but before I could even open my mouth, she’s walking down the hall. I sigh and bang my forehead on the locker. 

Why do I always have to screw something up? 


Emilee’s voice drowned out a while ago as I kept staring at the plants in Lacey’s garden. There were two rows and each row each plant was stood at a certain angle and again from the biggest to smallest. It annoyed me to no end and all I wanted to do was go over there and rip all them out, seeing what would happen, but I composed myself. To be honest I’ve never seen anything like it. 

Lacey hasn’t been outside all day, that was also bothering me. Ever since she moved she’s always been outside playing her guitar and singing to Lily. So instead of going outside and play basketball where I would just get impatient and go bang down the door, I started talking to Emilee about her day and just random stuff. Then that’s when I noticed the plants and just ignored Emilee. 

I wish Lacey wasn’t so secretive around people. I mean I like Lacey just the way she is but still it gets aggravating time to time. I’m putting 110% into this girl and she’s acting like she’s putting 1% into it. I’m not going to lie, she does have her moments where she is 99.9% but most of the time its 1%. I wish I could just break her code. 

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