Admitting It And Knowing It (All In One Day)

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I stood in front of the house in Baltimore. She already knows it's not your fault. My finger tentatively pressed the door bell. A few moments later a women with light brown hair and dazzling blue eyes opened it. "Oh my god, it's Raymond!" She shouted. The chattering inside went away. "And he brought his fiancé!" The grip on Lizzie's hand tightened. And this is exactly why I hate family reunions.

"Well don't just stand there, come on in!" My cousin Louise said. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm going to fucking kill myself.

"Louise, she's not my fiancé." I told her cooly. "What?" I rolled my eyes. "She's my best friend, she came with me."

Her mouth formed an 'o'. "I can't tell them now they're too excited for you." Lizzie looked up at me expectantly. "Please," she said, "I have an actual fiancé that would absolutely go livid if he found out."

She nodded and led us inside. Everybody was dressed in black, but nobody remembered his favorite color. Blue.

"Ray my boy, who is this fine young lady you've brought to us?" My uncle shouted at me. Even though it's been 24 years I can recognize him anywhere. "She's not my fiancé." I told him flatly. "But anywho, this is my friend Liz, this is my Uncle Steve."

She smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I just wish it could've been on a better occasion."

I smiled at her even with all of this she remains poised and has her crap together. "Where's Aunt Linda?" I asked him quietly. He pointed towards the kitchen. I leaned down into Lizzie's ear. "If they bother you, even the slightest bit, let me know. Okay?"

She didn't respond for awhile. "I'll be fine, you just go find your aunt."

I fixed my blue bow tie in the hallway mirror before entering the kitchen. "Hello-"

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the familiar blond-haired man. The both turned around, then my aunt rushed towards me in a hug. I held onto her right but my gaze remained on the man. Once she let go I spoke. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He glared. "I could ask you the same thing, son."

My fists automatically clenched. "Don't call me that. You don't deserve a child." My voice started to raise. The door swung open. "Red calm down." Lizzie said, grabbing my arm. "Lizzie go." She didn't budge. "Elizabeth leave." It look like someone had struck her across the cheek. "Please, I don't want you to be apart of this."

"I'm your family Red, I was around when this stuff still happened." I sighed. "Elizabeth, please, go." She still didn't budge. "Aunt Linda will take you out of the room, please." My voice cracked, I couldn't stand being in the same room as him.

"No Raymond, I want to know what's going on and your friend knows something about it."

"Get out, you're not welcome here." I said to him. "This is my family, Linda is my sister. I have every right to be here."

"Well nobody wants to be around a monster." I hissed glaring at him. "Me," He laughed, "a monster?"

"Raymond what are you talking about?" My aunt asked.

Liz drew comforting circles on my arm, something I did with her 11 years ago. "This is her isn't it?" My heart stopped.

"The stupid girl you wrote to everyday that year, the one you stayed up crying up all night. The reason you had to go to tutoring? Wow, she is quite beautiful."

"Shut up you pedophile."

"Raymond what's going on?" Aunt Linda asked again. "Why don't you ask your brother?"

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