Gabe Brown

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From your vantage point up in the treetops, you scan the surrounding area until your eyes fall upon the fourth oldest of the Brown children and your fiancé, Gabe Brown. He was chopping wood and, despite the chill in the air, he only wore a tank top. You were not complaining; it was almost as if he was inviting you to watch him.

Since you moved to Brown Town, you had found that you enjoyed being up in the trees. Maybe not as high up as Bear, but above the ground nonetheless. It was Bear who had taught you and gave you tips as a way of bonding with his sister-in-law to be.

Gabe swung the axe again. It cut through the wood with ease. He repeated the action over and over and over again. So much so that you wondered how he was still able to lift the axe.

"I know you're watching me," Gabe called without taking his eyes off of his task and without breaking his pattern. You feel heat rising to your cheeks.

"I'm looking at the scenery," you reply, "you just happen to be a part of it."

"Convenient for you," Gabe teased, continuing with his task.

You and Gabe had been engaged for roughly six months, spring and summer had gone by since then, so 6 months was your best guess. You had moved to the bush when he had proposed but you had been spending more and more time in Brown Town anyway. You were more than ready to officially be a part of the Brown family and you knew that Ami was just itching to have those grandbabies. However, you had been quite insistent on waiting to have children until you were married and you were not prepared to budge.

You scramble down from the tree as quickly as possible, taking that safer route- via the branches and not the air. As your feet hit the ground, you pulled Gabe's shirt tighter around your body and fastened a couple of the buttons. You hadn't noticed, but Gabe had stopped chopping the wood.

When you did turn, you noticed that Gabe was holding the axe out towards you. Reluctantly, you walked towards him and took a hold of the axe. Chopping wood was not your strong suit.

"You know I suck at this, right?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at Gabe.

"You don't suck," he argued with a laugh, "you just need practice. Better to do it now."

"Alright," you nod. As much as possible, you tried to get involved in the Brown's way of life as much as possible to show to them that you were serious about this life style.

"It's real simple," Gabe said and gave you a demonstration. You tried your hardest not to get distracted by his muscles. Lord knows how easy it was to get distracted by them.

You tried the first time. The axe missed the wood.

You tried again and got the same result.

You tried a third time and the axe sliced through the wood. It wasn't as clean a cut as Gabe had managed, but it was a start. Gabe smiled proudly at you as he watched.


When your arms felt like lead and you could no longer life the axe, Gabe decided that we there was enough wood for now. You placed the axe of the ground and laid the handle against a tree stump.

"Happy now?" you ask, running a hand through your hair.

"Yeah," Gabe nodded, "I just wanted to remind you how tough living in the bush is."

"I know all that, Gabe," you sighed, stepping towards him and wrapped your arms around loosely around his neck, "are you trying to make me change my mind?"

"No," he laughed, "just making sure this is what you want."

"It is," you tell him for what must be the millionth time at this point.

"Good because I want to get this moving along," he told you, "I want to be your husband."

Those words were music to your ears. You were ready to marry Gabe before he even proposed, you knew he was "the one" no matter how corny it sounded.

"How soon?" you ask, standing on your tip toes to make up some of the height distance between the two of you. Gabe dropped his head a little and met you halfway.

"As soon as possible," he mumbles and kisses you softly.

That was just the answer that you were praying to hear!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2016 ⏰

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