The teacher won't let me get a different Eagle. I've tried my "I'm going to be a Holder some day," approach to a short and final "No" and even tried putting a spell on her. She blocked it, though, and and gave me a detention for trying to put a spell on a teacher. I won't tell you the spell though. Let's just say, I got it from Emerald and James. 'Nuff said.


Now I'm in the library with James, Droplet, and Veronica. I still won't talk to James; we send each other messages through the other two and sometimes even Monica.

"Emerald," Droplet says slowly.

"Yes?" I ask, looking up from my laptop on the library table. We're all gathered around a circular table, while I search my computer for prank spells and creating an Elemental website for my jewelry business, Emerald's Gems. I decided to bring all my tools, wire, beads, earring pieces, other equipment, clasps, charms, and of course, already made jewelry, to school. During the summer I run it in the mortal world, but I decided I could still run it at school... for students.

"I need help."

"On what? Pranking someone?" I say, eyes lighting up and paying extra attention.

"No. What do YOU do to get respect from everyone else?"

Our heads whip around to look at her so fast we could have time-warped. Which is a probability, considering we aren't in full use of our powers.

"Who isn't respecting you?" James asks sharply.

"They better say their prayers now, coz NO ONE messes with OUR friends!" I say. James and I have forgotten we aren't talking to each other. We crack our knuckles and narrow our eyes with identical looks of battle on our faces.

"No, no, it's not that no one's been respecting me!" Droplet protests hurriedly. "It's just that no one really pays attention to me. You guys make people look around and say hi and want to be your friend. I just... Blend in. I like being your guys' friend, but you guys also have other friends."

We look at each other.

"Not really." Veronica, James, and I say in unison.

"I don't really want other friends." Veronica says.

James and I agree. "Just the four of us is enough for me," I tell Droplet. Veronica and James nod.

"But you guys also command other's respect, and people do what you say. Everyone knows you'll be great Second-In-Commands and Holders, and people will listen to you and look up to you, and they already do. I hear them talking about it. But no one says that about ME!"

"You just have to be more outspoken and commanding. Let people know you're THERE." James advices.

"But that's not in my nature!" Droplet groans.

"Droplet, it's ok." I say. "I'm like that in the mortal world if you're someone I don't know." They all look at me in shock. I shrug. "It's true. It's just not my territory and it shows. But I belong here, in the Elemental world, and I let people know it. Droplet, you just have to be at home here, at school, in your own skin, with your own people. You have to recognize your heritage and your job. You're a role model. You're smart and pretty and funny and those who know you love you! It's just an issue of confidence. Are you nice to people?"

"All the time," Droplet moans.

"Hmm." I pause and think for a moment. "Maybe you need to also show more battle-skills. You've got to be good at battle, inside. Find what you're comfortable with. It makes people respect you, I find. And kicking but. Maybe you should also show people you aren't going to be all soft, not someone you can push around. Push back. Someone makes fun of you; retaliate. Don't mind if you get a detention. People respect that, too."

Of Fire, of Water, of Wind, and of Earth: Holders-In-TrainingWhere stories live. Discover now