Luffy x reader

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Title: I choose you
This is a Valentine's Day special! Enjoy~

Valentine's Day, a day where couples get each other gifts or two people confess their love. For me, it was hell. Seeing couples getting close and people confessing made me sick, because I fall in love but they end up falling for another.

I sit in the library on the ship and sigh, reading a random book. I turn the page when I hear a certain voice coo out my name. "YYYNNN-SWAAAN~!" The ero-cook came dancing down the stairs with his hands clasped together. I groan and bury my face in the book. "YN-sweet! Why are you here all alone?" "Because I don't wanna be up there with the others. Didn't you know it's Valentine's Day?", I sigh.

"But that's why you should be up on deck! Valentine's Day is a special holiday! It's a day to confess to someone you love!" I grit my teeth, "I hate. It." "WHAAT! WHY?" "Because love is stupid! And every time I fall in love they end up FALLING FOR SOMEONE ELSE!", I slammed my book down and stomped up the stairs to the deck.

I pushed through the door and went to my shared room. "Hey YN, are you gonna do anything for Val-" "NO! SHUT UP!" I push past Nami and went into the room, shaking the ship as I slammed it shut. "Well that was rude.", Nami looked to the door and kept walking to the kitchen.

Nami's pov
I walked into the kitchen and sat down. The crew sitting, too. "Does anyone know what's wrong with YN?" They shook their heads, "Why?" Usopp asked. "I tried to ask her a question about what she was going to do for Valentine's, but she yelled for me to shut up." "Oh. She doesn't like Valentine's Day. She thinks it's annoying that couples start to show themselves and people confessing." Zoro took a sip of his sake.

"How the hell do you know that Zoro?" "She told me. And I personally can't blame her." "But that doesn't mean she has to be angry." "It's also because when she goes to confess, the person is already with someone else."

Silence rolled over the room. Well now I feel bad. "Brook, can you make a song for me?" "Of course, captain! Oh- but why?" "It's for YN." Everyone turned their head to their captain, "What?"

"What? I can't tell her I love her through a song?" The crew shook their head and looked away. "Well, I'll get working on the song right away!" "Thank you Brook! Sanji, make her favorite snack!" "On it!" "Nami and Robin, find her something to wear!", me and Robin nodded. "Usopp and Franky set the deck!" "Right on sir!" "Chopper and Zoro! Escort her from her room to the deck! Usopp will join to escort one of them later." "Okay." "Alright, Luffy!"

This'll be cute... I smiled and Robin followed me out to YN.


We stood at the door and knocked gently, "YN, we're coming in." Robin gently voiced. We entered the room to find a lump on the bed, covered with blankets. "YN, get up." "Nng..." I walked over and tugged on the covers, "Come on. You have to get dressed." "Go away, I don't wanna." "You have to." "I don't wanna!!" The stubborn (h/c) haired girl resisted, so I threw away the covers. "Ehh! What the hell, Nami?" She looked at me with lidded, red eyes and a red nose. Crying..? "There's gonna be a dance on deck and you have to come."

The girl groaned and turn over, putting the pillow over her head. I sighed and look to Robin for help. She chuckled and came over to the bed. "YN, I know you don't like this specific day, but I promise you that this one and maybe every other Valentine's Day will be amazing, if you go to the dance." She placed her hand on YN's shoulder and sat on the bed. I sat next to Robin, "She's right, YN. Just give it a hour and then you can come back here." We stood up as YN removed the pillow. She looked up at us with a glare, "One. Hour."

Yes! She's up! "Okay, get up and I'll find you something to wear." I walked to the closet, searching for a nice dress for this occasion.

My pov
I sat up in bed and looked to Robin and Nami. Why am I agreeing? Do I really believe that he'll confess at this dance? Is this the reason why I'm going... Nami showed a dress and smiled, "This one is perfect!" A (long/short), (f/c) dress. It was the dress I wore when Luffy asked me to join his crew...

I rubbed my face and sighed, I stood and took the dress. They turned away so I could slip into the dress.

"I'm done." They turn to me and smile, "it's so pretty! Robin do her makeup." "What? No, no. I never agreed to makeup." "Calm down. She's gonna put some light blush, lip gloss, and a nice soft eyeshadow." I looked to Robin, she held the need tools. Great...


"You look good, YN." I sigh, I had my hair (down/up) and stood at the door with Nami and Robin. I opened the door and three men stood outside with suits. Zoro, Chopper, and Usopp. Are wearing suits. They all had their arms out for us to take. I looked to Nami and she nodded. I looked back and linked my arm with Zoro's, walking to the dance.

Coming closer, lights were strung on the Sunny and soft music was playing. Zoro took me to a table and pulled out a chair. I sat and he pushed me in, "Thank you." He grunted and walked off, but his spot was taken by another. "Here you go, miss YN.", a plate of (snack) was placed in front of me. I look up and Sanji is smiling down at me. "Enjoy.", he says before walking away.

I took a (snack) and popped it into my mouth. Looking around, I see Nami is sitting with Usopp and Robin with Chopper. Zoro, Sanji, and Franky are talking over by the railing. Brook is playing his violin. And here I sat, alone. I slouch in my seat, feeling worse than before. You know, I can't do this. It's too sickening and...heartbreaking. I'm gonna leave. I stood up and started to walk back to the room.

I passed by Nami and Robin's table, big mistake. "What's wrong, YN?" "I can't do this." "What do you mean?" "I- I just can't, Nami. I don't even know why agreed to come.", I said trying to keep my voice from wavering. "Well, YN just stay a few more minutes." I shake my head and wipe away a few stray tears.

Play the song
The music stopped and I looked to Brook. He pulled out a guitar and started to strum a melody. Luffy walked out and started to sing.

"Let the bough break, let it come down crashing
Let the sun fade out to a dark sky
I can't say I'd even notice it was absent
Cause I could live by the light in your eyes"

Luffy's eyes connected with mine. He smiled and continued to sing.

"I'll unfold before you
What I've strung together
The very first words
Of a lifelong love letter

Tell the world that we finally got it all right
I choose you
I will become yours and you will become mine
I choose you
I choose, I choose you

There was a time when I would have believed them
If they told me you could not come true
Just love's illusion
But then you found me and everything changed
And I, I believe in something again

My whole heart
Will be yours forever
This is a beautiful start
To a lifelong love letter

Tell the world that we finally got it all right
I choose you
I will become yours and you will become mine
I choose you
I choose, I choose you

We are not perfect
We'll learn from our mistakes
And as long as it takes
I will prove my love to you

I am not scared of the elements
I am under-prepared, but I am willing
And even better
I get to be the other half of you"

I looked around and saw that my ship mates were dancing, alone or with a partner. A tap was felt, I turn and saw an out stretched hand. "Would you like to dance?", the green haired male asked. I took his hand and we danced to the song.

"I will become yours and you will become mine
I choose you
I choose, I choose you."

Luffy came to me and Zoro. Zoro stepped away and smiled as Luffy took me into his hands. "I love you. So don't be down today. Because instead of you trying to catch someone, I've already caught you." He brought me into his chest and kissed the top of my head.

I snuggled into his chest and held onto him. "I love you, Luffy." I move away just enough to capture his lips. Maybe this Valentine's Day will be special.

A Valentine's Day special for you guys! Hope you enjoyed it!

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