Chapter 2

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Here' the thing, my dad has cancer. That why I try and help as much as I can, around the house, with my sister and just little things. Gracie doesn't know about my dad having cancer because he think's she is too young to understand everything and I agree. It would be hard telling her that the person who she adores and the person who she loves the most could go any minuet, it would break her heart. I try to stay on the bright side of things though, I don't think of what it would be like if he does pass away. It won't cure anything it just makes me feel worse. Anyway enough of the sad talk.

I entered my room once again looking at the clock at the side of my bed. It was 9:20 am. I had plenty of time until I had to take Gracie to see her 'future husband' and friends. I looked through my wardrobe to see what I could wear for today. It didn't take me as long as I thought it would. I had white skinnys, chetnut uggs and a neon pink Victoria's secret v-neck picked out. After I changed I went to the barthroom so I could start on my hair. As I took it out of the bun I could already tell that it was going take a little longer than normal. It was a mess!

After about 10 minuets my long blonde hair was pin straight. I looked in the mirror and my greeny blue eyes stared back at me. I have always thought my eyes were weird. When I get mad my eyes go green, but when I am happy they are blue. Sometimes when I feel normal like now they are both.

After double checking my hair I put my normal amount of make-up on, eyeliner, mascara and little eyeshadow. Then I finnished up with a pinkish red lipstain that went with everything I was wearing.

Just a few minuets later Gracie burst into my room holding up a few skirts mumbling to herself. As soon as she saw me she started asking me a bunch of questions I couldn't even understand as she was talking way to fast.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa slow down just a- what is that all over your face?' I asked her when noticed the blue eye shadow, wonky eyeliner and red lipstick that went way beyond where her lips were.

She blushed with embarrasment and then explained. 'I just wanted to look pretty like mummy for the concert.' She looked everywhere but me. This was another reason we hadn't told her about dads illness, she already has enough on her plate from when out mum died. She overdosed on pills 2 years ago. Gracie was 6 and I was 15. Unfortunaly Gracie was always the first home... and well that left her with finding her own mother dead on the bathroom floor. But lucky for her as she was at such a young age she just thought that mum was asleep.

'Aww, Gracie you are pretty no matter what. You don't need make-up!' I told her as i walked over to her and gave her a hug.

'You really think so Lil?' She asked looking at me with her dark chocolate brown eyes.

I didn't answer I just nodded giving her a kiss on the forehead before going back into the bathroom to grab a make-up remover wipe. When I cam back she was still in the same place, so I helped her get the make-up off her face. 'Thanks Lil but, erm doyouthinkyoucoulddomymakeupforme?' She then quickened her pace and jumbled her words so I couldn't understand.

'Gracie, you have got to talk slower.'

'Can you do my make-up for me please?' She asked a lot slower this time.

'Sure! I would love to, even though you really don't need it. Come on then.' I took her hand and she stood at the counter while I kneeled down and did her make-up. Once I was finnished she took a look in the mirror and flashed me a toothy smile before giving me a hug and saying thank you.

'Now you need to help me pick out a shirt!' She giggled.

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