Run {short thought}

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You live your life expecting everyone that comes in it to leave so instead of
"Hello" , You say goodbye 🙋
"Stay", You say go!
"I miss you", You don't miss anyone, so you don't say it back..
" I need you", You don't need anyone you have yourself..
"I care", You say you don't when you know you really do..
"I'm a nice person", You act like an asshole but its all a front
I love you?
In the end they leave, just as you predicted but not because they didn't want to stay... They left because while you were busy protecting yourself from the pain they would cause if they remained...You pushed them far away. You disregarded their feelings, hidden within your own armor of protection you ignored their pain, ignored the damage they acquired from trying to break impenetrable walls. The only thing you noticed was the sadness and pain in their eyes while walking away because you forced them to go. And that pain stayed with you for a very long time. You wish you could go back in time and take all their pain away, but sadly you can't its too late. Only thing you can do now is make sure it never repeats because not everyone that comes into your life has the intention of hurting you. Don't let your fear of being hurt be the reason you lose people who will love you because that is worse than any pain any other person can bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2016 ⏰

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