Karasuno First Year Headcanons

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* Let this smol child on a trampoline and he will bounce to the moon and will never be seen again
* He's tried teaching Natsu the basics of volleyball, but she is still too young to understand
* Gets called "adorable" by several adults
* He's easily scared by scary movies, so he watches them with Kageyama. In the end they still both terrified.
* Tends to repeat words he's not supposed to know until he's older out loud
* Want a cuddle buddy? Hinata is the best cuddler, but he can be a bit flustered at first
* Whatever you do, don't give him sugar


* His terrible social skills sometimes makes him slip his words. If he doesn't say something that offends you, but it doesn't for him, please understand that he tries
* He easily gets mistake for a second year due to his height
* Despite being the youngest first year, he's 5 11". Drinking all that milk must have helped.
* Tsukishima teases Kage by saying that he "always has a resting bitch face"
* Can actually be a good friend if you can warm up to him


* He is practically blind without his glasses; everything is a blur without them
* Is really insecure about his height, but never shows it
* Listens to modern pop with a mix of classical piano
* Uses Hinata's head as an armrest at times
* Has considered growing out his hair longer, but can't get it to stay out of his eyes (I think he has really soft angel hair)
* Really difficult to get him to blush since he isn't embarrassed easily, but get him to blush, and you'll get the hottest sight ever


* He has difficulty talking to girls and ends up turning into a blushing mess
* He has freckles on his shoulder blades (only Tsukishima knows this shhhh)
* His blushing usually covers his freckles all the time
* If you're his s/o, he would be extremely nervous around any romantic situation. Just don't try to do anything intimate with him in public
*  Get him a puppy, and he will love you forever


* Always gets lost in crowds because she's short (sorry)
* Keeps trying to imitate Hinata's choice of words like "uwah!" or "pwah!"
* Isn't insecure about her height somehow
* Wants to play volleyball, but can't get the hang of it
* Keeps a tally of how many times she served a volleyball to Hinata's face
* She will overreact if she finds out that you have a crush on her. (She will consult the help of Kage and Hinata, but they know nothing about love sorry)

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