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Hey guys! Unfortunately, this is not an update, but I wanted to start something new. I have decided to start writing small little snippets of things on my Tumblr page. Since I find it hard to make continuous stories, I thought this would be a good way to offer new material every other day or so without feeling pressured to think of new chapter ideas.

For example, I will be posting opening chapters, dialogue, and random things from stories I want to write, but have not started or finished. So, if you are interested, my Tumblr account name is thetruthisboring2. I would love it if you guys would follow me and give me critiques on anything you see fit.

I want to say thanks for all of the positivity and a huge thank you for even taking the time to read this book! You guys make me want to write and I seriously cannot say thank you enough!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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