Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji

Warnings: Meh.

A/N: Well will you look at that? I updated! I freaking updated!
Third Person POV

Elise grinned. The Earl was running around town with his demon butler, trying to find the infamous 'Phantom Thief'.

But of course, she didn't approach them, she silently trailed behind them. Wondering if they would actually figure out that she was the infamous thief.

She did knew that sooner or later the damned butler would be after her. After all, he was one hell of a butler.

Elise licked her dry lips as Ciel turned around and looked straight into her eyes. He spoke something to Sebastian that made that demon butler leave. 'He probably sent him away.' Elise thought. She then gave him a tight smile.

"Hello Earl. What surprise to see you here, mingling with us peasants!"

He scowled at her. "Mister Emerson. Tell me why in the queen's name are you following me around the town?"

"Such an honour that you remembered my name, really. But I was just simply curious! Curious whether you would find the infamous thief! Such an exciting case, don't you think?" Elise's sapphire blue eyes shone in amusement.

The Earl merely smirked. "Haven't you heard the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat', Mister Emerson?" "And satisfaction brought it back, my dear Earl!" She smiled.

"Even if it means risking your life?" His eyes shone of an undescribable emotion.

"Even if it means risking my life." She replied with no hesitation, slightly surprising the Earl and amusing him all at the same time.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" He asked.

"Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't. I am terribly afraid of death, I must say." The red head laughed.

"..." Ciel stayed quiet but had a calculative look in his eyes. He then smirked.

"I must say, Mister Emerson. You are an interesting individual. You claim that you would risk your life, yet you are terribly afraid of death."

"Why thank you Earl! Such praise do not befit me! I didn't think of myself as an interesting individual, I'm just simply an ordinary passing street rat." She smiled as he snort.

"An ordinary passing street rat with education, you mean."

She merely grinned.

-Timeskip: Night-

Elise sat on the roof of some inn she found hours ago, looking up to the big starry sky.

Everything was so different back where she came from. She can't help but sigh. Although the lack of advanced technology, she found the Victorian era quite interesting. And much more beautiful of course.

She was slowly getting used to not having a smartphone with her. She wanted to watch anime badly but without advanced technology, she had to settle for daydreaming.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw something black. Something black with red eyes. 'Sebastian.' She had guessed.

She turned her head to face him. A smile on her lips and eyes shone of amusement.

"Hello there, Mister Butler. Such a surprise to see you here. Especially at this time of the night."

"I could say the same, Mister Emerson. What is a child like you doing out here at such a dangerous time."

"My, Mister Butler! I didn't think you were worried for me! Thank you for your concern, really. However, I can easily protect myself." Elise smiled at the man clad in black.

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You can? And exactly how, Mister Emerson?"

She gave him a grin. "By using dirty tactics of course! That is how a street rat like me survive."

"Just like stealing, isn't it? Mister Phantom Thief?" Ciel said appearing behind Sebastian.

Elise but her lower lip. "Hm... How did you figure it out, My dear Earl?"

"That would be obvious. All the nobles that had been robbed so far met a young boy with red hair and blue eyes who apparently 'accidentally' bumped into. And few moments later, their purses and wallets would be stolen."

"My, my. Such great deduction skills my dear Earl." Elise spoke sarcastically. "And here I thought you nobles were too naive and utterly stupid to even notice."

"What do you gain out of stealing nobles?" Ciel asked. "You're asking the wrong question, my dear Earl."

She gave him a smirk. "I do not gain anything from it. It is that I have nothing to lose."

"Nothing to lose?" He questioned. "Yes. Nothing to lose. No family, no home, no money, no friends, nothing. I don't have anything. My sure you know it very well my dear Earl."

She gave him a smile. His eyes widened a little. "You know about..." "Yes. I do know. Although it is not very well known, it is still known. Now then. Let's get this over with."

She looked at him with serious eyes. "So, what do you want to do now that you know that I am the famed 'Phantom Thief'? Kill me? Throw me to jail? Torture me till my days end? Ah, not that it mattered anyway. I have nothing to lose."

Ciel then smirked. "Although you are infuriating at times, you are an interesting character. I've decided."

He then pointed at Elise. "You shall be my new butler!"

She blinked in surprise. "You want me, a thief, to be your butler?"

The Earl scowled. "Did you not hear what I just said?"

The red head laughed. "Of course. I am just merely surprised. What is the reason for recruiting me then? Surely you're not going to make use of my stealing techniques?"

The Earl merely smirked. "Of course not. I am merely keeping an eye on you, plus, Sebastian said he felt something otherworldly about you. I am just curious about your presence in this small town."

"'Curiosity killed the cat, my dear Earl." She mocked. "And satisfaction brought it back, Mister Emerson." He shoot her words back.

Elise merely laughed. "Something otherworldly huh? How very interesting. I do not recall being anything otherworldly."

'Something otherworldly about me huh? How very true. I am not from this dimension after all.' She thought with a smile. 'As expected of Sebastian.'

"Is that so? So I guess I'll have to keep a closer eye on you in my mansion then." Ciel smirked.

"Very well, Little Master. As you wish." She smirked as she saw his smirk fell and replaced with a scowl.

"Do not call me that." "Very well, Short Master." "That as well." "Alright, how about Small Master?" "..." "Not to your liking? How about Tiny Master?"

And that's how Elise Emerson became a servant at the Phantomhive House.

Chapter End
A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Question: Your thoughts on Elise Emerson?

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