A change for life

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This wasn’t supposed to happen, I’m not saying that I resent the fact that it did, well I do a little, for obvious reasons, but I still love my new life I know it will be good from now on. Even though I didn’t get my perfect senior year with my friends and I didn’t get a choice really I still wouldn’t change a thing, ok maybe a thing or two, but not more. 


But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, my name is Kayla but most people call me Kay. I’m 17 and I had a not so usual upbringing. My parents were drunks, they never took care of me and my older sister Rebecca, she was a great big sister she basically raised me, she was four years older than me. We were both emancipated and she left me when I was 16 but I didn’t care, we still saw each other all the time and she paid for my appartment and everything so I could concentrate on school. She had moved to sunny California to live with her husband, Charlie. He was a billionaire, his parents died when he was young so he got everything being their only son and having no other relatives alive. They had together a son: James. He was now almost 1 and he just lost everything in a car accident, where his parents died leaving me to take care of him. 


Chapter 1


It had been a day already since the police had came knocking on my door to tell me the terrible news, and I was now on a plane to California spending all my money on it but I didn’t care, I had to go see James plus I had a meeting with their lawyer the next day. A couple of hours later I was in a car on my way to their house where James was with Charlie’s bestfriend Andrew. Andrew was in college, he was on the football team and he had a great career ahead of him in the NFL everyone knew it he was the best quarterback in the state if not in the country. He was tall, muscular and strikingly handsome, he had light blonde hair with unique light blue eyes and of course, he was a manwhore, but surprisingly sweet at times. 


I arrived at their house/mansion but I wasn’t taken aback as usual when I saw the size of it, before I would of said some remarks about how they could change it into a hotel, but right now I just walked to the front door after my taxi dropped me at the gates and sucked a breath in knowing I wouldn’t see Becca cooking in the kitchen and Charlie being all fatherly with James. I knocked and waited a bit. Andrew opened the door and smiled a sad smile «Come on in Kayla, James sleeping upstairs» I looked him over and he wasn’t like I remembered him from the wedding, he wasn’t the fun, flirty guy he was back then, right now he just looked like the guy that just lost his bestfriend. I know it was hard on him seeing as they had been bestfriend for 20 years out of their 21 years and they had always done everything together. «I just can’t grasp the fact that they’re gone, why? I mean James need them, I need them.» He said so low it was almost a whisper. I could see his eyes water and I’m sure mine were doing the same thing, I went to him and hugged him just enjoying being in the arms of someone going through the same pain I was going through. We stayed like that for I don’t know how long, a couple of hours later we were both in guests room sleeping and waiting to wake up from what we hoped was a terrible nightmare. 


I woke up the next morning, and knowing I had to take care of James I got up and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast for the three of us. I made pancakes, eggs and bacon for me and Andrew and I cut some fruits for James and got baby food not really knowing what he could eat. After putting everything on the table, I went back upstairs to see if they were awake. James was awake so I took him in my arms, silent tears falling down my face and prepared him for the day. I went to wake Andrew since we had to meet the lawyer in a bit more than two hours. I walked in his room to see him sleeping peacefully and I could see his perfect 6 pack, but  what would have had me swooning a couple of days ago was now nothing, so I just shook him a bit. He opened his eyes slowly and spoke in his voice husky from the sleep «Mmm?» I smiled a bit at his lack of words and answered «I made breakfast and you have to get ready we have the appointment soon.» He looked taken aback like he didn’t remember that his bestfriend wasn’t alive anymore and I knew the feeling, waking up thinking that you would see their faces again soon and hear their laughter. It was heartbreaking when you remembered the truth. 




Arriving in the office of their lawyer I was expecting a bit what was going to go down being their only relatives and all. James was sitting quietly on my lap while I waited for the lawyer to start speaking and Andrew looked like he just wanted this to be over and done with. The lawyer smiled at us and started «Hello, I am Mr. Sanchez, I am very sorry for your lost and I will start immediately by reading their will: In case of our deaths, everything will be shared equally between the three following people: James Carlton, Kayla Charles and Andrew Gregory. The legal guardian of James will be his aunt and godmother Kayla Charles and we hope for Mr. Andrew Gregory to help take care of him if needed. The house will go to Kayla..» I sighed knowing that every aspect of my life will now be different. 

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