57. Reunion

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Music - Leap by Bill Douglas

"When you see many disparate things working together in your favor, don't be reluctant to take them personally. Try to apprehend that there is not only great power at work but great kindness."
—Grahmen Ravi

For the Terreska crew and passengers, the journey to Nantis could not end soon enough, not for lack of adventure, but for the imminent joy of re-joining their people. The planet had been dominant in their V-sky for so many days that it appeared to be receding from them. Gilon, and even Terreska herself, were asked more than once if they were stopped in space or off course. And yet, in the end, the myriad sky colors and rings of Nantis could not fail to captivate, and quell impatience.

Late one evening, when Grahmen Ravi was on the ship's bridge, Gilon pointed to a small, dark patch on the surface the planet's rings and said, "The shadow of the Picarin."

With great excitement, he asked, "Where is the ship?"

"There." She pointed to a tiny spot above the cloud lines, looking every bit like a fully open bloom, somehow floating, not on a liquid surface, but above it.

Grahmen immediately called Havilan Meid on a private ship channel. "Two important things, Havi. We have the Picarin on visual—a bit hard to see if you don't know where to look, but still quite impressive. The other thing is, Gilon says she has to turn the ship now. I didn't want to use the public address system because almost everyone is in for the night. So I thought I'd leave that up to you."

Havilan's heart was racing, "I'll use the P.A. and put out a priority text alert on the C- link. They'll have to get ready for free-spin and stay in their quarters. But I know everybody will want to get a look at the Picarin. We can have Terreska post some images. Gilon will have informed the Middi by now. Wow, Grahmen, this is it! Did you ever think you would experience such a thing?"

"Yes," he quipped. "I live in the buoyancy of kindness."

After alerting everyone onboard to the coming maneuvers, Havilan sent a request to Terreska Circle asking for all conversations relating to the ship's descent. The first voice he heard was Gilon's:

"Turn complete. Terreska is stern-on to Nantis. Minimum main-drive thrust. Collar drives at one tenth power. Falling toward the planet."

Terreska joined the conversation. "A slight increase in gravity. Balanced thrust from all drives. Rate of fall increasing."

Gilon responded, "Increasing thrust from all drives."

"Five percent normal gravity," Terreska replied.

Gilon shared updated instructions. "Cian Dhalen is calling from the Picarin. She
recommends an initial test float at fifty percent normal gravity and is giving instructions for our target position. Tor Stym is sending the location of the first Sky Island shell. It is floating and undergoing tests near the Picarin."

Terreska said, " Ten percent normal gravity."

Ip asked, "Does it seem like the old days, Terreska?"

"She answered, "No, it seems like new days. In all my memories, I find nothing like this."

Corei entered the conversation. "We just felt your shadow. Cian says you 'eclipsed' us. I will be providing images shortly."

"Fall resuming and accelerating," Gilon reported. "Adjusting main drive thrust in
increments. Tor Stym says the Crisopa is available to assist, if necessary."

Estmere spoke. "I am coming up in the Crisopa. Terreska, you are a celebrity! We
are celebrating you. You are the best flower in our heavenly garden."

"Thank you for your kindness, Estmere.

"Gravity now at twenty percent normal. My number two elevator indicates a brake problem. No elevators currently in use. A repair crew has been dispatched. No problems reported among passengers.

"Still falling. Gravity now at twenty-five percent. Balanced thrust. My posture is nominal."

"Havilan Meid requests a pause to evaluate," Gilon shared. "Matching thrust to pull of gravity."

Gravity stable at thirty percent," Terreska replied. "This means I am floating. Estmere is teaching me to dream. I hope to have dreams like this.

"Annibet Sem sends greetings. She says, 'Try to keep our feet out of the clouds.'"

"Descent maneuver on schedule," Gilon added. "Resuming shortly."

Ip offered a couplet: "'Virtually on time: / Terreska Circle.' Also, Maire Meid loves the view of the Picarin. She says, 'Thank you very much.'"

Gilon said, "Resuming descent and thrust adjustment. Grahmen Ravi is...reaching for God or the V-sky, whichever is closer."

"Gravity approaching fifty percent," Terreska reported.

"All-stop at test altitude," Gilon replied. "Main drive thrust is constant. Collar drives at station-keeping."

Havilan Meid used the ship-wide P.A. system. "Well done everyone. We're here! You are free to move about the ship and get used to the gravity. There are no restrictions. All the elevators are working now. We'll be staying at this altitude for several days to get the feel of it. The Picarin and one section of the Sky Island are still far below us. Gilon will be showing them on the V-sky and arranging a sunset soon in the canopy. A schedule of all Nantis' moon passages is available on the C-link. The Canticle Moon will remain above the ring-sea until morning. The Crisopa is docking as I speak, and many of your loved ones are onboard. It will be available to take visitors to the Picarin on the return trip. Refreshments will be provided in the Commons all night. Grahmen says, 'God bless you,' and, as you know, he always means it."

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