When You See Him Crying/When You Make Him Cry

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Light Yagami

"You see?" You yelled, "You're a fucking psycho!! You're not Light. You're full-on Kira!!"

"You're wrong," he insisted, "I'm still Light. Kira is just a part of me."

"Light, I can't do this," you whispered, "I can't deal with both of you. Kira... He's gained control of you. You're not Light anymore. Just Kira."

You turned to leave the room, but Light grabbed your hand. "No, {Y/N}, please," he begged. "Don't leave."

You looked at his face to see tears streaming down, and you felt sympathetic. You didn't have to use the Death Note, so maybe you didn't understand him. But you knew that he was still slowly losing his mind.

"Light," you whispered, "I know. This is a huge thing to shoulder. But you can't let it take over you, okay?"

He nodded and you wiped his tears off his face. "It's okay. Don't cry, okay? I won't leave."

L Lawliet

"Hey, Matsuda," you said while walking down the empty halls of Teito Hotel. "Do you know where Ryuzaki is?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen him. Sorry, {Y/N}." He replied, and you smiled and walked away. After walking aimlessly down a few more halls, you finally spotted Watari standing outside of one of the rooms.

"Hey, Watari, do you know where L is?" You asked, looking up at the tall older male.

"Inside," he replied, opening the door to let you in.

"Hey, L, er, Ryuzaki, I'm here!! Jeez, I've been looking for you every-" you were cut off by soft sounds of sniffing. As you inched closer to the noise, you realized that it was L, and he was crying. You ran over and crouched down. "Baby, what's wrong?"

Almost immediately after you'd spoken, his arms wrapped around you and pulled you in for a hug. He buried his head in your shoulder and sobbed into it. You smiled down at him and rubbed his back. "It's okay," you cooed, "Tell me what's wrong."

"W-what if... What if I can't do this? I mean, I can barely hold this together. Kira, he's killed hundreds, maybe thousands. You saw, right? When Lind L. Taylor posed as me. He didn't hesitate to kill him. What if he goes after you?? I can't. I can't lose you." He managed between sniffs and sobs.

"It's okay, L, nothing's gonna happen to me. You're gonna do this. I believe in you. And I love you."

He nodded into you, but continued to cry. Because of the state he was in, you let him have his moment.

Mihael "Mello" Keehl

"Ugh, where the fuck is Mello?" You cussed, tapping your door impatiently outside of his house. You'd rang the doorbell several times. You tried calling the house phone. His cell phone, too. But to no avail. "Screw it, I'm going in."

You checked under the mat for a spare key, and sure enough, it was there. You unlocked the door and opened it, walking in and taking off your shoes. Once they were off, you walked only the living room to see a scatter of pictures, of both Matt, and Mello, and also people that you didn't exactly recognize.

"Mello!" You called, and you heard a noise come from his bedroom. You ran upstairs to see him crouched down in a corner, crying and glancing at a piece of paper. A photo. "Babe, what're you looking at?"

You walked over to him and sat down beside him. "T-this is L. He was like my older brother. Until... Until..."

That was it. He bursted out crying, hugging the photo to his chest. You'd never seen him break down like that.

Feeling somewhat bad, you kissed him and brought his head to your chest. "I'm sorry."

"Why're you sorry?" He chuckled. "You didn't even know him."

"I know you, don't I? He must've been something important to you. And losing something important always hurts a lot."

He stayed silent for a moment before finally saying, "Please... don't leave me. Ever. I love you."

"I love you, too. And I'll never leave you, okay? Don't worry. I'll always be right here. With you."

After a while, he managed to calm down. Matt came home shortly after, and explained who L was and why he was important to Mello. After that, you made it your mission to make sure that Mello never felt lonely. Because you would always be there.

Mail "Matt" Jeevas

"Matt," you whined for the thousandth time, "Come on. Why can't I come over??"

"Because {Y/N}, Mello is at home!! Tomorrow he won't be, so can't you wait until then??" He asked.

"It's fine. It's Mello for God's sake!! What, are you embarrassed when I'm there??" You asked jokingly.

The line was silent, and you realized you had unintentionally hit a bullseye. "Holy shit..." You mumbled, "You are!!"

"N-no, {Y/N}, you're misunderstanding, it's not that at all, okay??"

"No, I understand plenty. You're embarrassed of me!" You yelled into the phone, "You know what, forget it. If you're too embarrassed of me to even have me around your friends, then fuck it."

You hung up in rage, only for your cell to ring a minute of two later. When you saw it was Matt, you hesitated to answer, but still did. "What?" You demanded before you heard soft sniffles on the other side.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Matt managed while sobbing, and you sighed.

"Why're you crying?"

"B-because, I made you feel bad," he responded, and you scoffed.

"Well, I'm not embarrassed of you. And it's Mello. I know him. You shouldn't be embarrassed of your girlfriend, Matty."

"I'm not," he said, "It's just... I don't like when you're there and Mello is, too. I get... jealous, I guess."

I smiled to myself and sighed. "Sorry, Matt. I drew my own conclusions. But next time, just tell me, okay? I love you."

Hours later, you talked to Matt about his jealousy, and how you loved him and him only.

Nate "Near" River

"Gevanni," you whined, "I can't find Near... I wanna see him..."

"Per usual," he mumbled before you shot him a glare.

"Don't be an asshole!! Where is he?!" You demanded, and he sighed.

"I don't know. I saw him an hour ago where he normally sits, but that was it."

You groaned and continued to search for the albino boy. After checking a few rooms, you finally found him in a room, crouched in the corner, his back towards the door. "Near? What's wrong?" You asked, until you realized that he was trembling.

You spin him around and gasped when you saw that his eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face. "Babe, what's wrong?? Why're you crying?"

He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and shook his head. "Nothing. I'm fine."

"Near," you scolded. "Tell me what's wrong."

He looked up at you and wrapped his arms around you, embracing you. You were taken aback at first, but you smiled and hugged back, patting his back.

"What if I can't do this?? L was twenty five when he died. I'm only eighteen. If L couldn't have done it, how could I possibly-?"

He was cut off by you smashing your lips to him and kissing before you parted and smiled softly at him.

"Near," you said, "I believe in you. You can do this."

With that, all doubts in his mind were cleared. Once he had calmed down, you helped him clean up and he went back to working right away.

However, from then on, when it came to work, you made sure to encourage him every once in a while. You hated seeing him cry.

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