"See ya around. Good luck in Boston." I said as he walked away. I looked at Demi, who had tears in her eyes. As soon as Carter was out of sight, I turned to Demi. "You okay?" I asked, not being able to hide my disappointment. 

She nodded her head, scowling. "Yes. I'm fine. I'm just sad for his family that he's moving so far away. I mean I can't be his friend, right now.... so...." her voice trailed off then she looked up at my face. "What did you come here for?"

My brow furrowed, since I had forgotten why I had come here, to begin with. I had started driving home, when I felt guilty that I was short with Demi after she said she wanted to go home instead of hanging out & I wanted to tell her in person that we could hang out tomorrow night. I wanted to tell her that I wanted to start things slow with our relationship, starting with just being friends & then see what happened after that. "I uh... wanted to apologize that I was kinda standoffish with you before after lunch. And I want to hang out with you tomorrow night, if you still want to. We'll see how the friendship thing goes, since that's how we started, originally. We can see how we both feel at some point, a little later."

Demi nodded her head as she bit her lip. "You didn't have to apologize, but that sounds good. I want us to at least be friends, if we don't get back together. Since we're having a baby, it's the best thing to do."

I felt my stomach turn, a little when she said, 'if we don't get back together,' like she wasn't sure that would ever happen for us. I still wasn't sure when I'd be able to forgive her, completely, but I was pretty certain I wanted to be with her again. I should have said that, but I didn't want to speak, prematurely. "Yea, for sure." I stuck my hands in my jacket pocket. "Well, I should get going. I'll text ya tomorrow." I opened my car door & got in. I smiled up at her & waved before I backed out of her driveway. I headed home, a little bummed she didn't invite me to hang out. 

It was Sunday, so there wasn't a whole lot to do, so I ended up going to Navy Street, so I could, at least work out. I was twenty minutes into my workout, when I caught sight of Wilmer. My dad wasn't around, so I was surprised Wilmer was here, but he was dedicated to King Beast, too. He saw me & walked over. "Hey, Nick. I'm surprised to see you here."

"There are some people at Chuck's gym that I'd rather not run into." I said, putting the weight down. Wilmer nodded as if he understood. "Is my dad coming in today?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." Wilmer crossed his arms. "So I heard there may be two belts... I heard that they are gonna have an actual King Beast belt that the winner can keep forever. Like a trophy I guess."

"Damn... that's cool. I get to keep one, at least." I stood up & tapped Wilmer's arm with the back of my hand. "Thanks for the heads up & I will see you in the cage." I was proud of myself for being so civil to him.

"Looking forward to it." Wilmer belted out as I walked off to a different part of the gym.

When I had worked out for a few hours, I got showered & dressed, then headed out. I drove home & drank with Jay, until Michelle showed up. That was my cue to go to my room, put on my headphones & lift some weights or read something. I had to drown out their sex sounds since it just made me miss Demi.

 I had to drown out their sex sounds since it just made me miss Demi

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Surrender to Love (Sequel to A Fighting Chance- Nemi)Where stories live. Discover now