Chapter two: Fake people dont surprise me anymore, loyal people do.

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A/N Warning: This Chapter may contain some actions that may not be appropriate for some people. Don't blame me, I warned you. Some scenes may not be decent but again, I warned you.

Rachel's P.O.V of that very same day and time.

His hands roaming all over my body, not even stopping once in fear he'll lose me if her stops. Silly boy. Doesn't he know how this game works?

He pulls away from our make out session and looks into my blue eyes with his green ones. He wanted more. His eyes burned with passion and grew dark as her contemplated his next move.
He eventually rested his eyes on my neck and began kissing it gently. Then his lips settled into a spot in my neck and began sucking on my neck and occasionally licking it.

He attempted backing me into the wall hallway of his house. But I instead backed him into the wall and getting so close I left no room between our bodies. He continued sucking and I ran my hands through his hair.

Aahh! There it is. The best thing about lust. A guys boner... Feeling it rub up against you down there. I decided to tease him even more by taking off my shirt and revealing my red lace bra the showed my nipples. After I took of my shirt he lifted his head from my neck and stared at my chest.

I took this time to undo the buttons on his white shirt. And took his shirt off, revealing a six pack and a nice bare chest. I grabbed his chin and kissed it briefly.

He got even closer and brought his lips to my ear. "May I please... ???" He asked. I nodded. He sucked on my neck again and began kissin lower and lower. He eventually pulled my bra down a ways and sucked on my nipples.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket. Right on time James. I had told him to text me at five thirty four. To text me saying 'Come back home. It ergent. Your father is at risk and is in the hospital. Come home now darling. Your father wants to see his daughter one last time in case he doesn't make it'.

Thanks James. I know you will always have my back. Which is why he's my best friend.

"I'm sorry Jack, I have to go my mom needs me. She said my dad is close to his death bed" I said, faking any real sadness. But its been played so much, it comes across as real. 

He looks at me with concern. Then his face drops and he looks sad. "Are you sure you have to go?" He said. Then began sucking on my neck again.

"Yeah. I do. My dad's probably gonna die." I said pull away from him.

I put back on my shirt and picked up my purse and put on my shoes. Leaving for the door. Then just as I was about to place my hand on the knob, he said " I just got played didn't I?".

Turning the knob I opened the door. I looked back at him. "Yes you did my pet." I said and winked. He winced back in pain. The boner I gave him must be torture. Oh well, he can always rub it himself later.

I closed the door behind me and left for my car.

I eventually got to my next destination. My best friend's house. 
I rang the door bell and he opened it instantly. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I gave him a hug and said "Right on time again James. Thank you." I Kissed him on the cheek and walked into his house as usual.

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