Take A Hint

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If you don't want to hear the backstory you can skip to the next part, there I will be explaining what happened recently. If you want to hear the backstory, that's in this part.

So, in 4th grade there was this new guy at school.

At first he seamed alright, but as time went on, he got worse and worse.

He was a player, he dated one girl, dated the next and left a trail behind him. He wasn't even a nice person, and his looks weren't all that great either.

One day I figured out that he had a crush on me. If you remember from before, I'm not that good at handling crushes. It doesn't even have to be someone I have a crush on, if someone has a crush on me, I'm just as awkward.

So being the mortality embarrassing person I am, I pity him, and become his 'friend'. I don't know why, but I felt that was the way to deal with this situation.

The next day, I figure out, he told everyone that we were dating.

Like, wtf, no.

I confronted him, obviously, and asked, basically what the hell is going on.

He responded with "I don't know what your talking about". Then walked away.

So this was getting pretty annoying so I told him we were not friends anymore.

Omg, such drama guys. 4th grade me was savage.

Anyway, he later on, told everyone that we kissed.

This pissed me off, so I publicly burned him and continued like life was normal.

The next year in 5th grade, he was even worse.

A friend of his talked to me about something so disgusting, I can't even type about it.

But apparently, what he had said to his friend was enough for him to get an 'In School Restraining Order'.

I was pretty happy with the fact he couldn't come anywhere near me during that time.

Then came 6th & 7th grade and he was the same as always.

But then came 8th grade.

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