Chap. 15~ Really!?

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V waited in the waiting room nervous. After a few minutes the doctor come out and talked to V for a while.

"Mr. (Your last name)?" The doctor said while looking around the room

"Yes? Is she ok?" V said while looking at the doctor with a nervous face

"Yea, you can see her in a few minutes" The doctor said while giving V a hug

"Thanks" V said while giving him a hug back

"Your a lucky man" The doctor said while looking a V with a smile

"What?" V said with a nervous face

"She'll tell you when you see her, Hey?" The doctor said while pointing at you

"Yea...?" V said while getting worried

"Your form BTS? Right?" The doctor asked

"Yea? Why?" V answered back

"My daughter love your band, and you sign a peace of paper and her phone new phone case I got her today?" The doctor said while getting the phone case

"Yea sure, what should I say?" V said while getting the phone case

"I don't know, say Happy Birthday (A name), love you!" The doctor said while handing V a pen

"Ok" V said while singing the phone case

"Thanks, she'll love this present, and can you take a phone with her new phone?" The doctor said while getting her new phone out

"Yea sure" V said while grabbing he phone and taking 17 photos (she's Turing 17 tbh)

"Thanks again" The doctor said while grabbing V's hand

"No problem" V said while looking at the doctor

"Can I see my wife now?" V said kindly

"Yea, it's room 123BT" The doctor said

"Thanks Doctor" V said while walking away and waving goodbye

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