the date

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Isabella's P.O.V.

Storm took me this room and said I will be sleeping and living here for now on, Logan was next door to me if I needed anything. I started to unpack my things and by the time I was done it was 9:30 pm. So I went to bed and started to think if Logan wants to get back together.

The next morning

I woke up and I saw Logan staring at me,"um... morning." "Morning" "how long have you been there?" "About an half an hour." " um OK." "Want to get breakfast?" "Sure just give 10 minutes." Then he left. I put my white button up T shirt on, some black skinny jeans, brushed my hair. I heard to the cafe and saw Logan eating with some students and teachers. I grabbed my tray of food and sat next to him, he wrapped his arm around me and kissed my temple.

When we finished he dragged me outside and walked over this corner and kissed me passionately and I kissed back deeply, I wonder if we should get back in our relationship. We made a plan that we would go meet in the court yard and have some time together. We kissed again but not as good as the first one and went back inside.

Logans P.O.V.

It is 6:45 pm and I decided to put on these blue jeans and this red button up shirt. I met her in the court yard when I saw her she was wearing a purple dress that went down to her knees, a black jacket that went half way down her back, and black open shoes with no heels.

We went to this picnic table that had cookies and milk, good that I dinner earlier. When we finished I started laughing and pointed at her "what is so funny," she looked at me confused I tried not to laugh while saying this " you have a milk mustache. " She looked down and saw it and look at me and started to laugh also and told me I had one.

When we were done with that she pulled me out to this open area and turned on this slow classic music. " I can't dance," she looked at me with a smile "then I will show you. This is a slow dance, so first you wrap your arms around me and I wrap my arms around your neck, we then rock each other gently while moving around." I looked at her and did what she said and I started to get a hang of this.

"Then we look in each other eyes." We gazed into each eyes what seem to be ten minutes. I started to hear laughing when I was finally my steps down.

Isabella's P.O.V.

I saw Cyclops laughing at Logan, he standing by a near by plant so decided to have a little fun. I controlled the plant to pull him against the hedge and pin him against it and covers his mouth so he won't start to panic. Me and Logan finished the rest of our dance and when we left I stop controlling the plant and let him go.

We walked down the hall holding hands and when we got to my room I kissed Logan goodnight and went in. I got in my pj's and went into my bed and pulled the covers over me and drifted into sleep.


"Hey Isabel come on you are going to be late!" My mother screamed after me for work. I brushed my hair and pulled it back into a pony tail, I put on my work outfit. I walked down stairs and grabbed a muffin and ate it and went straight to work. I made fresh batch of cookies, I pulled out the cake and iced it for the Johnsons, I helped my mother decorate the cupcakes, and finally made a sandwich for my love, Logan.

He comes in and I was on break I sat on the curb with him and watch him enjoy his sandwich. When he finished I handed him a cookie and a drink. Then these came up to us they grabbed Logan and then grabbed me and pulled us apart.


I woke up screaming Logan ran in and held me and I held on his shirt with my face in his chest. " I had a nightmare." He asked what it was about. So fell asleep with him holding to his chest and for the rest of the night I had no nightmares since.

Yeah it is short, sorry but I don't know what to write for this chapter

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