Chapter One: The Dungeon

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Zephyrine trailed hotly behind the Goddesses when they went out for their hunting trip. She was Euphoric. At long last she was about to see what the outside world look like. She glanced nervously at the portal where they went out, afraid to see Malka standing there, looming and ready to cut her trip short.

"Zephie relax. Malka will never know you ever went outside. It will be quick. I promise you." Glace said.

Glace was one of those few Goddesses to which Zephie looked up to. She knew she had been around for quite sometime now. And fellow Goddesses treat and pay their respects to her. Glace had attained her eternal youth at the very young age of Eighteen.

They went inside a dimly lit place which Zephie came to know as "THE DUNGEON". It's a bar to which the Goddesses where seem to be known as "special clients." The dungeon was managed by a succubus, who was seem to be close friends with Glace.

The moment Zephie entered the Dungeon, she nearly collapsed. All at once she heard them all, what they were thinking about. She have yet to learn how to be selective in reading minds and block what she doesn't want too. Instantly she covered her ears and stood there, paralyzed.

"You okay??" someone asked her.

What was a kid doing here?? Who had brought her here. This is an adult's place for Godsake.

She looked up to find the most beautiful pair of Ash brown eyes looking at her. He had asked if she's okay but what he really wanted to say was that??

"I'm sorry but.. I think I am lost." She stammered.

"Okay I'll help find your mom okay." He smiled extending his hand. She grasped it tightly. It felt hard. She felt safe. He looked about sixteen years old. Almost twice as her and yet she couldn't describe this feeling she felt. Giddy, Happy.

How could a mother or father leave their child unattended like this. And at times like this when the crime rates were high, he thought angrily.

"I didn't come in with my mom or my dad. I don't have one." She explained.

The boy looked at her in shock. Zephie realized she had answered what he was thinking!!

"Whoa! You sure can read minds kid." He said, clearly. "Then who did you went in with??"

"A couple of goddesses from down below." She stated.

The boy stopped for a minute then laughed. It sounded nice to Zephie's ears.

"You have some other jokes up your sleeve kid??" he stopped and looked at her. She wished he stopped calling her kid. She was eight but she can really took up any age she wanted. She just hadn't tried it yet. But goddesses can.

She look pretty as a kid, she would grow up to be a beauty someday, he thought.

She smiled, her heart racing. She thought her pretty. She will become a beautiful lady someday.

She reminds me of Alexa really. That pretty messed up girl, I can't seem to get her out of my mind.

Zephie frowned. Hadn't the boy was just thinking that she was pretty a while ago?? And now, he's thinking about Alexa?? Who is she??

"I thought you found me pretty??" she asked abruptly.

He was taken aback the second time around. He was thinking, hell, the kid really can read minds doesn't she??

"Quit calling me a kid!!" Zephie screamed. She grasped his hands and hold him tighly, her hands marking on his wrists like steel bands.

"I can come back here. We should be the one together. Not Alexa. I could be your age then." She know she's not making any sense, but she intends to come back for him.

He was looking at him like she's a nut case now. A while ago, she thought her pretty.

"Zephie, sorry to cut this short but an angel just walk in. We shouldn't be seen this many out." Glace whispered through the air. Zephie interpreted the warning immediately and scanned the crowd. Glace and the others were already outside.

"Tell me your name. I'll come back for you." Zephie said.


"Just tell me!"

"It's Jayden."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2016 ⏰

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