Pink Is The New White

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Nikki's POV

It was late in the night and Soka and I were awake playing games. I then looked at the clock which said '12:00' I said to Soka, "It is time for our awesome prank," Soka smirked and nodded. We sneaked into Code and Rexy's room and opened their drawers. We only saw white clothes so we took out our paint and painted all of their clothes pink. We smiled and opened the closet. We saw their armor and weapons. We smirked at each other ad spray painted their armor and weapons pink. We then went to our room and when we got there we laughed and did our special handshake: 

and we laughed at our success. R5 asked, 'What did you do?' We looked at each other and said, "You will see tomorrow," We then went to bed.

Rexy's POV

Cody and I got up and I asked, "So what is the plan for this huge Prank War?" Cody said, "I don't know, let's just hope that they don't get us first." I nodded and opened our dresser drawer...I screamed and Cody asked, "What is wrong?" Then he saw what was in our drawer and he screamed to...our clothes were PINK!!! I looked at him and we yelled, "Our Armor!" We ran to our closet and opened the door...what was in their horrified me even more...our armor and weapons were PINK TOO!!!!! I looked at Cody and asked, "What do we do???" Cody said, "Well we can't go anywhere shirtless...we will get into soooooo much I guess we will have to*Cody gulps* wear the stupid pink armor," I looked at him as if he was crazy but thought that he was right. I nodded glumly and we got dressed in our new pink clothes. I said, "I think this was a mistake," Cody nodded and said, "Well let's go greet our competitors with a nice cold shower," I nodded and we got 2 buckets filled with ice cold water.

Nikki's POV

We woke up to the door opening and 2 guys yelping in pain. Soka and I looked at the door to see Rexy and Code with 2 water buckets on them and they looked as if they have been electrocuted...oops...I forgot to tell you that Soka and I put electricity things that if someone enters the bedroom, they get zapped with electricity. Soka and I high-fived and said, "Better luck next time boys, now come on let's get some breakfast." They groaned again and got up. Soka and I laughed at them when we saw them wearing their pink uniforms. Code said, "You are soooooooooo on," Soka smirked and I smiled at them. When we got to the Mess Hall Soka and I had to call, "Rex Cody come on!" Everyone looked at them for a few seconds and started laughing their buts off. The gang (Anakin, Obi, Kix, Wolffe, Lui, Massimo, and Allison) came up to us laughing. Master Kenobi asked, "I guess that you already started with the pranking?" Soka and I smirked and nodded. Flyer laughed and said, "Remind me to never get you guys mad at me," Soka and I smirked. Rexy asked Kix, "Are there any new white suits?" Kix smirked and said, "Won't get them until later," Code and Rexy groaned. Obi said, "Look at the bright two look good in pink," Everyone laughed again and Rexy and Cody glared at Soka and I. Massy asked, "So what is next in this prank war?" I smirked and Soka said, "Well we prank them again." Code said, "Not if we prank you guys first!" We laughed again and Anakin asked, "Did they do anything else?" Code looked down and Rexy said, "They painted all of our clothes pink and spray painted our outfits...also this morning when we were going into their room to pour cold water on them we were zapped with electricity," Everyone who heard looked at us shocked. We shrugged and I said, "What can I agreed to the war," Rexy rolled his eyes and Code said, "Well we didn't think that we would get zapped with electricity!" Soka said, "Well we are pretty good at what we do," We smirked and did our special handshake again. After breakfast, I just did some basic training with Master Kenobi.

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