[2] Diplomacy

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My thoughts raced, I couldn't control anything except which direction they took. And when I stood up to get off the bus, I couldn't remember anything that I had thought about for the past half hour.

What's wrong with me? Why can't I ever remember or control racing thoughts? It happens too often for me to not be slightly concerned. Maybe I'm just...
overreacting. Maybe I'm going insane.

At my locker, I silently recited my ritual.

3... 7... and catch at.. 43.

I gripped the knob and twisted it to open the locker.

What I saw made my stomach clench.

All of Kiki's things were gone, and mine were left disheveled. Even though I normally keep them organized.. Did she go through my stuff?

I put my bookbag in the locker and grabbed the stuff I'd need for the first 2 blocks of the day.

Sitting in my homeroom, earbuds in, I texted Link.

Me: Sooo... Kiki moved out of my locker?

Link: yea

Me: Well why tf wasnt i informed until now? Not even a heads up, think fast, or anything??

Link: u wouldve just overreacted again

Me: right, overreacting about my best friends pushing me away. Why did she move out? Do i even want to know?

Link: we're tired of ur shit. u overreact @ EVERYTHING. leave us alone ok?

Me: good to know...

Link: bye.

Well, its official. I'm completely alone in my jail cell called anxiety.

This should be fun.

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