how to be a unicorn

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the last chapter ever me lovelies, i'll make this note short because i'll add an authors note in a new chapter, so enjoy me lovelies


don't stress my lovelies, just take a moment to be with yourself wherever you may be, take this journey slow and cherish every moment

take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it deep within you my lovelies, then slowly let it all out, do this a few more times to truly calm yourself

put your hand on your heart and feel its beating, feel it pump glitter and rainbows around your body my lovelies

look into a mirror at your eyes, look at the colour, feel the exact colour, there is only one thing in existence that has that same eye colour, your unicorn

know that your not alone, the whole unicorn population is supporting you my lovelies

you my lovelies are safe this book is just a way of helping you to your full potential

no matter who your are you have a level of positivity, weather its a low positivity or a high positivity, every one has some, if you are looking to increase your positivity, look for bright colours and lovely patterns, look into your hearts desire

find something that interests you, no matter what it is, if it is what your into, than thats what it is, and don't let anybody change it, let your unicorn embrace it

as they say home is were your heart is, wherever it is, it should make you happy, if you haven't found that yet thats ok, just trust that thats were your unicorn is

if you can, go outside, if you cannot, thats fine, looking out a window will do, find yourself a patch of sunshine, this is were once a unicorn has been

rain, is the national unicorns symbol of youth, most children, at some point, have believed in unicorn, they also play in the rain, by inviting the rain into your body, you are inviting the youth and belief of unicorns with it

think of the beautifulness of marshmallows, even if you dislike them, thats what the clouds are made of you know

think of yourself for a moment, leave everybody else aside, think about you, spend a day doing something that you love, something that loves you

have a group of friend that you love, if you can, make more, always be stretching out and seeking others help

find a patch of grass and pick up a blade and make a wish then drop it into the dirt and put a leaf over it, this helps your unicorn find you

never ever doubt your inner beauty, you, and you alone can do anything you and your unicorn put your hearts to

always remember that your unicorn loves and cares for you through all you do and say, weather they like it or not

make sure to brush your teeth and eat a peppermint before you leave the house so your unicorn can smell your amazeballs breath everywhere

fun fact, no matter who else believes in you, your unicorn always will

don't believe the fictional lies they tell you, we should never grow up, only stronger

gold is one of the unicorns representative colours, just to let you know

imagine what your unicorn looks like, scratch all that stereotyping and imagine what your unicorn looks like, beautiful isn't it

feel your unicorn with you, in you, around you, you

now me lovelies, just believe, believe that one day, it might be today or not, but believe that you will live in harmony with your unicorn, because, being with your unicorn is your destiny


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