Ending to Being The Player.

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[A/N] please read!!! Okay so this is the ending to Being The player, and please don't leave me rude comments saying that you were disappointed in the ending because I can't please everyone 

 Last part of Being the Player


"What the hell are you doing here?" she exclaimed.

"Taking you to prom- duh." My hands were in my pockets as I casually leaned on the doorway. The sweet bitter wind cooled my back as I stared at her shocked face.  Her mom-Elegant as always in a black simple dress- stood near Kari, a pleased smile on her face.

Kari's mom has always had a soft spot for me. Ever since last summer when Kari had been away at camp, I had helped Ms. Valensha with her Fall line. She needed someone to help her get things done, so I volunteered. I worked hard and eventually earned her respect. Now whenever she sees me, she hugs the life out of me.

"Oh Daniel! What a pleasure to see you!" Kari's mom squealed and soon enough I was being squished while choking on her Chanel no.1 perfume. That woman seriously bathed herself in it. Once she let me go I pulled away quickly and smiled politely. Kari was still standing there with her mouth open.

"Hey Ms. Valensha, do you mind if I escort Kari to prom?" I asked. I didn't dare look at Kari.

"Of course not, go right ahead, Kari! Don't be rude! Stop staring and stand by his side so I can take a picture!" Ms. Valensha gushed and ran off to look for her camera.

I turned my body towards Kari. She looked right at me and raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms she said, "Where is Josh?" Her icy stare was getting to me.

So I know I probably shouldn't have just shown up on her doorstep unannounced. But what was I supposed to do when Josh practically begged me to give her a ride to prom and be her escort? I mean it's not like I was going to turn it down.  

"Err, why don't you just let me take you to prom, I'll explain on the way." I reached to take her elbow but she refused and stepped away. A small pang made its way to my heart but I ignored it and instead kept reaching for her other arm. Kari's mom stepped into the room with her camera in hand.

"Sorry mom but I'm not going to go to prom with him." Kari held her head up stubbornly, which some part of my brain found really hot.

"Don't be ridiculous! Just pose for the camera and then you guys can head on out!" she looked at Kari who was staring angrily at the ground and muttering something I couldn't hear.

"Now Kari!" Kari sighed and stood next to me awkwardly.

"Daniel can you put your arm around her waist?" Ms. Valensha asked, smiling sweetly. I moved closer and carefully placed it around Kari's tensed torso. She didn't relax her pose the whole time, which made it impossible for me to enjoy the sensation of my arm around her.

"Have fun kids!"

The door slammed in front of our faces as we barely made it out. Ms. Valensha really wanted us out of the house. I turned to look at Kari but was shocked by what I saw there. Under the moonlight she was striking not beautiful or gorgeous. She was radiant, glowing like a ray of sunshine. I stopped midway sentenced and just stared. Inside I hadn't noticed how she looked, I was just nervous to see her after that last awkward encounter where she kissed me then bawled her eyes out. But as she looked up the sky angrily, I noticed the way her dress fell like water to the ground and how her hair curled in a way that drove me crazy. Her eyes though-they were like emeralds-under the light she was everything.

Being The Player (Being #2) rough draft. Warning-Many spelling and grammar mistakesWhere stories live. Discover now