Chapter 55: Lovers

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"I got you girly," she grins, "okay now go chill with your boyfriend before its time to go."

I laugh, "we're not officially official yet."

"A kiss means your official," she says over the phone.

I smile, "alright then, I'll see you in a bit."

"Yeah! Later," I answer back and with that I end the call and dial in my mom's number.

A few rings later my mom picks up the phone, "hello?"

"Hey mom, it's me," I say.

"Why didn't you charge your phone before leaving home! You had me worried sick!!" She immediately shoots back.

"Sorry," I answer.

"We'll talk when you get home. Are you with Kate right now?"

"Of course I am," I sigh.

"Give her the phone. I need to talk to her."

I blink, "uh, she's actually in the washroom right now mom and why on earth do you need to talk to her?"

"To thank her for taking care of a silly girl like you," she answers.

"Mom, I said I'm sorry! I'll charge my phone next time," I say as I roll my eyes.

"It's like I said, we'll talk when you get home."

"Okay, bye," I mumble as turn off my phone.

When I go back downstairs Leo is sitting at the breakfast table and a nanny is talking to Leo as she places the food on the table. When he sees me, he waves me over and I come and sit beside him.

"Anto, I want you to meet Ariana Abello. She makes all the meals around here and she's pretty good at what she does," I catch Leo's gaze fall onto my body before meeting my eyes again.

I feel myself fluster at the sight of Leo and then I look up at the middle aged lady and smile at her and we shake hands, "a pleasure to meet you," I say.

"The pleasure is all mine dear," she answers back, "now tell me: would you like an omelette or traditional Canadian pancakes."

"Canadian pancakes sounds interesting," I grin.

"Oh yes they are," she nods, "maple syrup tastes a lot better than honey when it comes pancakes!" She walks into the kitchen and I turn to look at Leo who is enjoying himself with an omelette with a bowl of fruits and glass of orange juice.

"As much as I'd like to stay over at yours all day, I have to go home after breakfast," I cross my arms and lean forward against the table.

He takes a sip out of his juice before nodding, "Ah yes! I'm sure your folks are worried sick."

I roll my eyes, "you have no idea. My mom is going to give me the biggest lecture of the century when I get home."

He laughs, "did you tell her you got drunk?"

"Oh hell no! My parents would literally kick me out of the house," I laugh.

"Then you'd know where to come," he winks.

We both laugh and soon enough my pancakes are at the table. We eat up and chat about all sorts of random things, joking around and having fun.

"Thanks Mrs. Abello," I say as we both get off the table, "the pancakes were phenomenal!"

"Call me Ariana," she winks as she washes the dishes, "and thank you for joining! I have a feeling I'll be seeing you around here a lot."

I grin and Leo throws and arm around before placing a kiss on my cheek. When he pulls away, he grins at Ariana, "you will definitely be seeing her often."

El Clasico [Lionel Messi]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt