Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

It had been four days since Jake and I broke up and I was sitting on my comfortable futon in my room when I heard Parker's motorcycle's engine roar, announcing his arrival home, as he drove into the driveway. I couldn't stop myself from walking over to the window and looked out to see a leggy, daft blond bimbo clutching onto his arm as if her life depended on it as he helped her off his bike and guiding her into his house, undoubtedly another one night stand but still, my heart clenched at the sight.

"Whoa, what the fuck was that?" I thought to myself. Why would I feel that way about Parker fucking Rivers. No I didn't was the thing. I was way over-analyzing the situation. I sighed and went over to my phone, texting my best friends, Ty and Emma, hoping they were free tonight.

<HEY WANNA GET FUCKED UP TONIGHT?!;)> I texted. It took Ty two minutes to reply.

<DO UNICORNS POOP RAINBOWS?! YES THEY DO AND YES I DO WANT TO> I laughed at his response. We'd been friends since kindergarten but it wasn't always sparkles and butterflies and all that good stuff. I remember the memory so vividly. I was drawing a pony when I saw a little, tanned hand grab my purple crayon. Now I wasn't ok with that because purple was A) my favorite color and B) going to be the color of my amazing pony. I looked up to see a boy with black, disheveled hair sticking up at every angel and a mischevious glint in his eyes.

"Give me my purple crayon back!" I yelled at him. Instead he grinned and ran away so obviously I chased him trying to get my crayon back. Eventually I tackled the boy and pinned him down on his chest. "Give. It. Back." He shook his head, even though he had a frightened look on his face. "Now!" He shook his head again. I forcefully pried open his hand to grab my crayon and get off him but before I got up I looked down. "Apologize." His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. He quickly composed himself and grinned.

"Now why would I do that?" His voice dripped in sarcasm.

"Because you took my crayon and its purple and purple is my favorite and I need the crayon to color my pony." A look of confusion was painted on his face.

"Ponies aren't purple." He stated.

"So?" I questioned.

"That isn't realistic. It should be brown or white, not purple."

"But those colors are boring." I sighed exasperatedly. Why couldn't this boy just get it through his head that I want it to be purple?

"But ponies aren't purple." Doesn't he have a creative bone in his body? Ugh.

"It's my picture so I can do what I want," I finally got off of him and even helped him up. "Here, I'll show you how pretty it will be." I grabbed his hand and led him to the table I was at and finished my drawing.

"Wow, you were right. It looks way better." He said with obvious awe in his voice. I smiled triumphantly and we continued drawing pictures of animals and colored them green, blue, and any other colors we wanted. We were best friends since then.

I finally dropped out of my gaze when Emma texted back.

<I KNOW A GREAT NEW CLUB!!! IT WILL BE PERFECT. WEAR SOMETHING SEXY. BOTH OF U. ;)))> Emma was always a little more enthusiastic than needed in her texts but I still love my little curly, black haired friend. She was too adorable to dislike for even a second. She was just one of those bubbly people that everyone loved so much.




I got into the shower to start getting ready. When I got out I heard the doorbell ring so I hastily put on my robe to answer the door. When I opened it I was surprised to see Parker.

That Green Eyed BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ