Chapter 10 Eren fights back

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(please listen to the song that I put above, it's a really good song, I've been listening to it on repeat lately 😍)

~Mikasa's POV~

What Isabel had really hit me hard. Eren was continuously having to comfort me about it. I couldn't get it out of my head. He said that he had a plan to get her back, I just hoped and prayed that it would work.

~Eren's POV~

I knew exactly how I was going to get Isabel back. What she did hit Mikasa so hard, I'm scared she's gonna start self harming.

My plan was, the next time we go canoeing, I was going to push her off. I know it's a bit lame, but Isabel hates swimming and getting wet, so this would definitely get her back.

"Okay, campers we are going camping today!" Hannes yelled. We then started pairing up with who we wanted to share a canoe with. I started looking for Isabel, she wasn't there. "Where is Isabel?" I asked Mikasa. She shrugged. Just then, I saw her and Farlan in the corner of my eye. I started rowing toward them.

"Oh ew it's Mikasa!!" Isabel exclaimed. Farlan just stared into the canoe. "Don't listen to her," I said to Mikasa. I then rowed closer to them, and stood up. "Oh, you wanna go?" Isabel asked, standing up as well. I then pushed her into the water. You could hear her scream horrified that I just pushed her into the lake. I then slowly rowed away. "Wow Eren, you have a lot of guts to do that," Mikasa laughed. "Yup," I said nodding my head. "Thanks," she said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Aye no problem," I said, smiling.

A/N Sorry about the short chapter. Hopefully the rest will be longer.

If you haven't already, please check out my latest LeviHan fan fic that I published in honor of Valentine's Day which is in a few days. Let's also not forget one of my best friend's  birthday is coming up as well, the day before Valentine's Day.

Anyways, I don't even know why, but I feel really sad right now. I came to school and I wasn't feeling all that happy. I cam home from school really crabby and kept venting about friend I guess trouble. It made my mom really worried.

I don't want you guys to worry about me, okay? I'll be fine, I'll make it, I'll get through it, one way or the next.

Tiff 💙

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